- Document showing facial recognition with eigenfaces and fuzzy logic together
- 本文介绍了用来测量对流层温度垂直分布的基于高光谱分辨率雷达技术的瑞利-米激光雷达系统(激光是对人眼安全的355nm波长的紫外线)。在该系统中,用两个法布里-珀罗标准具滤波器对影响大气温度的两个瑞利信号进行过滤。这些滤波器放在瑞利散射频谱的同一侧,并带有双端口光学输出通道。这种配置对米氏散射能获得较高的抑制比以及合理的瑞利散射透光率。米氏信号用第三个位于激光频率中间位置的法布里-珀罗标准具滤波器进行检测。这三个滤波器的参数是经过数值计算优化了的。实验结果表明,对于这两个瑞利通道都能实现-45dB的
- It is a well structured power point presentation of LiDAR. It covers in detail the theory , working and application in various field of this potential future technology
- LIDAR点云数据处理与应用 -分析 L I D A R点云数据的获取原理及分类 , 探讨 Mi c r o s t a t i o n 的 t e r r a 模块 数据及 L I D A R点云数据 的分类处理 方法。- Get principle and classification, classification method to e
- Autonomous vehicles are defined as vehicle that get one point to another point without human interaction & implement a number of well placed sensors that detect different things such as other vehicles, people, traffic lights, and movement of other ve