- 人脸所反映的视觉信息在人与人的交流中有着重要的作用和意义,计算 技术就是利用计算机分析人脸图像,从中提取有效的识别信息,用来辨认身 术,由于其广泛的应用领域,在近四十年里得到了广泛的关注和研究。 -Face reflected in the exchange of visual information in people plays an important role and significance of computing technology is the use of com
- 因特网的迅猛发展给企业运作带来了极大的方便,但同时因特网也面临着空前的威胁。因此,如何使用有效可行的方法使企业网络威胁降到最小,引起了越来越多企业的关注。而防火墙在企业网络安全中扮演了一个举足轻重的角色,成为企业网络安全的保护者之一。 这里所研究的内容就是中小型企业防火墙设计。我们通过软件防火墙和硬件防火墙两个方面来研究该课题。并针对企业网络所受威胁,进行企业防火墙的方案设计。 关键词:网络安全,中小型企业,防火墙 -The rapid development of th
- 虚拟现实三维交互,基于java与vrml实现的虚拟现实三维交互,引领者社会的快速发展,也将在电子商务领域发挥着它的光辉。-Virtual reality 3 d interactive, based on Java and VRML virtual real 3 d interactive, leader of the rapid development of the society, will be in the electronic commerce field plays a its sp
- To some, IP telephony (IPT) is the next step in the evolution of voice technologies. In reality, it is far more than that. IP telephony redefines the role voice plays in the enterprise business environment. Placing voice on the IP network goes beyond
- 在人类的语言交流中,语言事件,如各个音段,声调,韵律边界等都是信息传递的载体,所有的这些语言事件都为人类的语言交流起着不可或缺的作用。一直以来,语言学家通过听觉感知等一些方法来研究各个语言事件在交流中所起到的作用,而在本文我们提出了用互信息的功能负载的方法来度量每个语言事件所包含的信息量。这篇文章主要以韵律的层级结构为研究对象,深入分析了不同韵律层级的作用,并与以前音位的信息量作了初步的对比,结果表明边界信息在语言交流中所起到的作用远大于各个独立音段,在韵律边界层级结构中,层级越高,边界所起的作
- Image processing plays a vital role in the development of medical industry especially ultrasound medical images. Image acquisition is carried out using ultrasound equipments like transducer, scanner, and CPU and display device. There are mainly f
Docking Studies of HIV-1 Integrase using Phytochemicals from Andrographispanniculata
- Human Immunodeficiency virus is an existing pathogen for which the development of drugs, vaccines, anti viral therapy has seen little success. The HIV-1 Integrase(HIV-1 IN) is a potential target for antiviral drugs since it plays a vital role in faci
- 大机组保护即大型变压器机组的保护,在电力系统中占有很重要的作用。-Large units that protect large transformer protection unit, plays a very important role in the power system.
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