- This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant. By this constraint, the inne
- OSK 5912 Guide This guide is for people new to working with Embedded Linux, specifically with the OMAP5912 Starter Kit (OSK).This guide will make the assumption that you have no prior experience, and will focus only on the easiest way to do
- 针对现有的图像复制遮盖篡改检测算法需要某些先验信息、对后处理操作失效且计算量大等问题, 借鉴图像匹配技术中的SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)特征匹配算法,首次提出将其用于检测复制 遮盖的篡改操作。 -Cover the existing image copy for tamper detection algorithm needs some prior information on the calculation of post-proc
- Btv双边全变分正则化重建方法及重建方法其发展- Using L1 norm minimization and robust regularization based on a bilateral prior to deal with different data and noise models
- In a C compiler, function calls are difficult to implement correctly because they must respect a platform-specific calling convention. But they are governed by a simple invariant: parameters passed to a function must be received unaltered. A
- 该教程详细介绍了数字图像处理实习预备知识,包括平台搭建,位图文件存取与 显示功能的实现,可以让读者掌握数字图像处理基本算法设计和基本操作技能.-The tutorial details the internship prior knowledge of digital image processing, including the platform, the realization of the bitmap file access and display capabilities, all
- 企业人事可行性研究报告 为企业人事管理系统的开发提供可行性分析的结论,为项目是否正式立项、启动提供依据,为项目启动后的需求分析、设计、开发、测试等工作提供基础依据。保证本项目的需求分析活动在受控状态下进行,在进行软件开发前,明确本系统应达到的目标,对系统目标做出完整、准确、清晰、具体的要求。保证本需求分析的结果能够完整、无遗漏地反映待开发系统的要求。-Personnel feasibility study report for the enterprise personnel managem
- 何恺明在CVPR会议上——基于暗通道先验的单幅图像去雾技术-Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
- Detecting the presence of smoke in videos can be a very critical as it is a prior sign of fire. Once this technique is implemented with improved accuracy, it has the potential to avoid damages to both lives and property.
- Cram ́ er-Rao bound (CRB) has been formulated in earlier work for linear, planar and 3-D array configurations. The formulations developed in prior work, make use of the standard spatial data model. In this paper, the existence of CRB for th
- Localization in wireless sensor networks is the process of determining the geographical positions of sensors. Only some of the sensors (anchors) in the networks have prior knowledge about their geographical positions. Localization algorithms use
- Haze removal algorithm by dark channel prior method
- 3D entity-based stereo matching with ground control points and joint second-order smoothness prior
- Functions for augmenting data with historical controls using the Bayesian discount prior function for 1 arm and 2 arm clinical trials.-Functions for augmenting data with historical controls using the Bayesian discount prior function for 1 arm and 2 a