- 并行通信和串行通信是CPU与外部设备之间进行信息交换的基本方法。采用并行通信时,构成一个字符或数据的各位同时传送,每一位都占用一条通信线,另外还需要联络以保证和外围设备协调地工作,它具有较高的传输速度。但由于在长线上驱动和接收信号较困难,驱动和接收电路较复杂,因此并行通信的传输距离受到限制,这种通信方式多用于计算机内部,或者作为计算机与近距离外围设备传输信息用。,Parallel and serial communication is communication between the CPU
- High performance 32-bit/40-bit floating-point processor Code compatibility—at assembly level, uses the same instruction set as other SHARC DSPs Single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) computational architecture— two 32-bit IEEE floating-point
- A Soft-Input Soft-Output Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Module to Decode Parallel and Serial Concatenated Codes
- 串口工具操作方便的串口调试工具,是单片机通讯开发的最佳助手!本软件完全免费,无任何功能时间限制。-Serial tool easy to operate serial debugging tools, is a single-chip communications development best assistant! The software is completely free, without any time limit function.
- This BC04 Bluetooth module based on British CSR Blue Core4-Ext chip,follow v2.1 +EDR Bluetooth specification. The module supports UART,USB,SPI ,PCM SPDIF interface and support for the SPI Bluetooth serial protocol, low cost, small size, low power con
- Matlab communication with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) over an RS-232 serial interface using ASCII Modbus protocol. This code was developed while working with an Eaton-ELC PLC device and was modified for general distribution. Standard Modbus