- Three-dimensional real-time graphics are a prevalent technology nowadays, thanks to the steady rise of processing power and specialized graphics hardware. One of the goals of computer graphics most sought after and difficult to achieve is to repr
- Abstract: The optimal number of cluster heads is an important parameter of wireless sensor network performance. Network nodes will consume more energy if the number of cluster heads is too much or too little. This paper focuses on novel calculation m
- 光伏电池阵列输出功率受光照强度和温度变化的影响,因此最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)技术广泛应用于光伏系统中。在所有最大功率点(MPP)控制策略中,扰动观察(P&O)MPPT算法因易实现被广泛应用,然而它的缺点是在稳定工作状态下工作点通过MPP 时会导致能量振荡损耗,并且在光照强度或温度发生突变时表现较差的动态响应。在本文中,提出一种改进型变步长扰动观察MPPT 算法,此方法依据工作点动态调整步长变化,与传统固定步长方法比较,本文提出的方法能有效地提高MPPT 速度和转换效率,通过仿真和实验结果分析,
- This paper focuses on the analysis of traditional decoupled d-q vector control approaches for control of power transmission in a HVDC light system. The paper presents steady-state and transient models of a HVDC light system in a d-q reference
- 伺服调整的基本是配合机械特性进行滤波器的设定以及针对此滤波器的设定 提高增益直至控制达到稳定状态。 因此,多少也需要掌握有关机械方面的知识和控制方面的知识。 只有单方面的知识是不能使其有效的发挥性能的。 为此,本讲习是对必须掌握的最低限度的有关控制和机械方面的知识做初步的说明。 -Servo adjustment is in line with the basic mechanical properties and improved filter set for
- 以航标、测绘和通信为主的三大板块,是我国水上交通安全保障体系的重要组成部分,承担 着船舶航行的技术支持和航运经济的服务保障职能,对我国水上交通安全形势的持续稳定发挥了 不可替代的重要作用。从上世纪七、八十年代起,随着我国水上交通安全监督体制改革的逐步深 入,航标、测绘、通信等机构先后经历了数次体制改革、机构变化和职责调整,逐步建立了具有 中国特色的航海保障体系。 -To buoy, mapping and communication of the three main se
- Document which describes to Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA III) written by Ray-Document which describes to Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA III) written by Ray
- 基于随机矩阵理论的电网静态稳定态势评估方法-A Method for Power System Steady Stability Situation Assessment Based on Random Matrix Theory