- 一个企业家,要想长期立于不败之地,做永远的赢家,经营管理断不可 视。而经营管理是一门十分高深的专门学问,它既需借助于理论知识,又 凭藉于实践经验。倘若不知深浅,象无头苍蝇到处乱撞,必将碰壁。-An entrepreneur, to long-term success, the winners always do, and management off invisible. The management is a very highly specialized knowledge, both ne
- 在墨西哥,一个两层的预制混凝土构件建成的预制混凝土建筑物,在其上加上模拟的地震荷载。在这里描述的是其结果。在测试结构物中所选择的结构系统是所谓的双重类型,其定义就是构造墙的结合点以及梁-柱框架。测试结构物中预制梁柱之间的结合是窗型的。这种类型的建设显著地用在低的或中等高建筑物中,在这种建筑中在每一楼层中柱子和窗子连在一起。这些“窗”包含顶部和底部的钢筋。图1所示的是在墨西哥市中这种类型的一个商业建筑物。-The dimensions and some characteristics of the
- Low Power Design Nano‐scale designs at 130nm and below are now confronted with a power dissipation level beyond the limits of IC packaging and cooling techniques • Consequently in many designs it is not possible to increase the clock speed
- De-centralizing the VNC Model for Improved Performance on Wall-Sized, High-Resolution Tiled Displays
- 人们对于住宅不仅要求实用, 而且还讲究气派, 附加阳光间以后, 外墙面装修时可以刷颜色鲜亮的涂料或者粘贴墙砖, 透过玻璃窗显得很漂亮。-It requires not only practical for residential, but also pay attention to style, additional room after sun, you can brush the outer wall decoration brightly colored paint or paste th