- 移动代理服务器嘉讯MAS短信API2.2开发手册(DB接口)
- 现有数字信号自动调制识别方法大多只适用于无记忆信号,如PSK、ASK、FSK信号等。将有记忆 信号(MSK信号)和无记忆信号一起考虑,提出了一种改进的数字信号自动识别方法。该方法采用信号的瞬时统 计量作为特征参数,采用多层神经网络作为分类器。计算机仿真表明:当噪声采用高斯白噪声,并且信噪比大于 l5 dB时,识别率高于96% ;当信噪比不低于l0 dB时,识别率不低于90%。,Existing digital signal automatic modulation recognition
- Everything you ever wanted to know about decibels but were afraid to ask…
- C program to calculate the BER performance of BPSK modulation in an AWGN channel. The program takes the file "BPSK" containing voltage levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and th
- We investigate the case of independent Rayleigh faded paths between antenna elements and find that with high probability extraordinary capacity is available. Compared to the baseline n = 1 case, which by Shannon’s classical formula scales as one
- PEAK TO AVERAGE POWER RATIO REDUCTION OF DM SIGNALS USING PEAK REDUCTION CARRIERS: ABSTRACT A technique is described for a better than 5 dB reduction in the Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of an OFDM signal. The optimal amplitude and pha
- 为了提高移动通信系统中数据传输的有效性能,降低GMSK调制系统的误码率. 首先对GMSK调制系统进行分析,得到不同BT值GMSK调制的移动通信系统误码率和带宽的关系.通过引入具有纠错性能的编码技术,降低信息传输的误码率,提高系统的有效性. 本文给出了引入编码技术的GMSK调制系统的仿真模型,仿真结果表明,在相同的信噪比下,系统的误码率降低了1~2dB.-This paper mainly intends to improve the performance of the communicatio
- On the Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes within 0.0045 dB of the Shannon Limit
- SeaSon from DB-LAB of HIT 介绍的方法是以在cygwin中安装gdb为例说明。-SeaSon from DB-LAB of HIT is based on the method described to install gdb on cygwin an example.
- the file which is uploaded is the uncoded systtem technique which we simulated. it gives the BER vs Snr curve.The un-coded system is simulated is by using randomly generated numbers and it s passed over the AWGN channel.the output of the matlab file
- EBOOK : Digital Signal Processing Handbook (VK Madisetti,DB Williams,CRC)
- Two elements diversity planar antenna for a multiple-input multiple-output application is proposed. By adopting two Y-shaped radiators, the antenna provides wideband impedance matching characteristic over the desired frequency band. To reduce the
- Multiple input multiple output techniques combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) provide a promising approach for wireless systems. However, a serious drawback of the OFDM system is the high peak-toaverage power
- 有关阵列天线的matlab仿真, 1、给出阵元的个数,阵元的间隔以及波长 2、计算方向图并绘制不同的方向图,有规律的排列 3、计算出主瓣宽度,3dB带宽,主瓣与第一旁瓣的幅度比(以dB作单位)-Array antenna matlab simulation, 1, to the number troupe, interval, and the wavelength of the array element 2, calculate the pattern and draw a
- 不错的MAS2.0开发资料。分为java API插件的开发、DB插件的开发和websrvice接口的开发-Good web service development data, it is very comprehensive, it is worth a look, hope you can like it.
- This a MATLAB based program that computes the: I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) II. Radiation resistance (Rr) III. Input resistance (Rin) IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) V. Input reactance (Xin) VI. N
- 提出了一种不仅计算量小,而且可以在低信噪比下正确识别相位调制信号的方法。利用Matlab工具进行仿真,仿真结果表明,在信噪比不低于2 dB的情况下,对PSK子类调制信号的识别率可以达到93 以上。 -Proposed a method of calculating only a small amount, and can correctly identify the phase modulation signal at a low SNR. Use Matlab tool for simul
- The application of digital predistortion in base-band signal is an extended method of amplifier linearization to reduce the Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI) in those systems in which a varying envelope modulation scheme is used. This paper
- Open_vSwitch − Open_vSwitch schema Adatabase with this schema holds the confi guration for one Open vSwitch daemon. The top-levelconfi gu- ration for the daemon is the Open_vSwitch table, which must have exactly one record. Records
- 一、建立表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE data01 DATAFILE '/oracle/oradata/db/DATA01.dbf' SIZE 500M UNIFORM SIZE 128k; #指定区尺寸为128k,如不指定,区尺寸默认为64k 二、建立UNDO表空间 CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE UNDOTBS02 DATAFILE '/oracle/oradata/db/UNDOTBS02.dbf' SIZE 50