- 通信无线信道仿真-阴影衰落,对数正态分布-Communication radio channel emulation- the shadow fading, lognormal
- 系统的介绍了瑞丽信道 和莱斯信道的特性 给出了基于MATLAB的仿真程序-Ruili introduce a system of channels and channel characteristics Rice give MATLAB-based simulation program
- Ajey, S., B. Srivalli, et al. (2010). On performance of MIMO-OFDM based LTE systems. Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing, 2010. ICWCSC 2010. International Conference on. 4G wireless systems predominately employ multiple input multiple outp
- In wireless communications, fading is deviation of the attenuation that a carrier-modulated telecommunication signal experiences over certain propagation media. The fading may vary with time, geographical position and/or radio frequency, and is often
- 基于matlab的TD-SCDMA动态信道分配-Matlab-based TD-SCDMA, dynamic channel allocation
- 给出了OFDM在卫星通信中的系统框图并 在Simulink中仿真实现,利用改进的CMA恒模算法进行盲均衡处理,来去除时变卫星信道对信号的影响,基于4阶累积量的方法 将OFDM信号与其他调制类型信号区分开来-OFDM is given in the satellite communication system block diagram and Simulation in Simulink using the modified constant modulus algorithm CMA
- it has been designed to calculate the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT and perfect CSIT The channel is assumed to be spatially correlated according to a Kronecker model but temporally uncorrelated. -it ha
- 这是一篇研究信道模型及信道仿真的国外英文博士毕业论文,很有参考价值-This is a study of channel model and channel simulation of the foreign doctoral thesis in English, a good reference
- 两篇最新的介绍MIMO中继信道容量的文章Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information 与 Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour-2, introduced the latest MIMO channel capacity relay article Capacity
- An Adaptive Channel Estimation Scheme for MIMO OFDM System
- Robust channel estimation for the OFDM-based WLAN-this a english paper of ofdm
- We simulate uncoded BER of BPSK modulated data as a function of SNR -in an AWGN channel -in a Rayleigh fading channel -in an AWGN channel when direct sequence spreading is used and compare results to the theoretical ones. We assum
- 介绍如何对NS2进行多信道多接口扩展,并支持动态信道分配。-NS2 introduce how to carry out the expansion of multi-channel multi-interface, and supports dynamic channel allocation.
- 对OFDM传输信道的仿真,用matlab仿真了几个信道的衰减模型-For OFDM transmission channel simulation, using matlab simulation of a number of channel attenuation model
- 关于MIMO-OFDM系统的信道分析相关文章 -On MIMO-OFDM system channel analysis of related articles
- Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems
- 对于MIMO无线信道建模和仿真测试中遇到的一些常见问题予以了详细解答,其中详细介绍了空间相关性的那部分。-MIMO wireless channel modeling and simulation for the test to be some common problems encountered in the detailed answers, which details the spatial correlation part.
- 主要讲解了航空信道模型的仿真实现和参数选择,给出了各信道场景下的接收信号星座图以及概率密度曲线。-Mainly on the aviation simulation channel model implementation and parameter selection are given scenarios each channel received signal constellation and the probability density curve.
- On improved DCT based Channel Estimation with very low complexity for MIMO-OFDM systems
Time domain channel estimation
- 滤波器组多载波系统中时域估计方法未充分利用导频信息且频谱效率不高的问题,对原有的估计表达式进行了扩展并对导频非稀疏和稀疏两种情况进行了研究。(Problems existing in traditional time domain channel estimation method of FBMC systems were analyzed in this paper and a new equation was also presented. Methods were respectivel