- 很好的关于LINUX内核防火墙的代码分析。是一片要钱的论文,这里奉献了,Very good on the LINUX kernel firewall code analysis. A piece of paper money is, where dedicated
- max3100转换uart开发文档,通过AVR单片机控制max3100开发deRs485通信的资料。都是花钱买来的。可以给您一个参考,节省你的开发时间。-uart development document conversion max3100, max3100 through the AVR to control the development of single-chip data communication deRs485. Money are purchased. Can give you
- *编程 系列教程本教程多数文章曾发表于《黑客防线》杂志,多数的文章是在学校的时候写的,那时候写文章的思想也很单 纯为了认识一些朋友,为了提高技术,为了挣稿费给GF买好吃的^_^ -Trojan programming series of tutorials of this course the majority of articles have been published in the " hacker defense" magazine, the major
- I created this program to help me in my old job, to cover some faults, that the software have. The program do things like this: - analyze keyboard searching for some key events - help counting money - help controlling entries and exits - Calculate t
- 很经典的有关传感器的论文,花钱从万方下下来的,大家可以参考一下奥,-Classic papers related to sensors, to spend money from the down under of, we can refer to Austria,
- 认知无线电展望技术,对做认知的很有帮助的,这个我是花了一点小钱才买到得-Looking cognitive radio technology, cognitive helpful to do this I only get to spend a little money too
- 现在利用WIFI无线上网已经成为了众多网友的上网方式,回到家打开笔记本轻松无线在网络畅游,但如果你经常闯南走北,WIFI上网似乎利用的少之又少,因此许多人选择了3G无线上网,但3G的速度和价格实在不太给力,也许在线看个电影,几百元就没了,因此还是找到免费的WIFI比较靠谱,速度快还无限流量,重要的不花钱。目前有很多地方都有免费的WIFI热点信号,但如何找到这些信号成为了漂流在外网友们的难题,那么文章接下来的目的就是要告诉你,到底该如何寻找“热点”?你身边哪里的免费“热点”信号速度快信号好?其实只
- The recognition of noise as a source of annoyance began in antiquity, but therelationship, sometimes subtle, that may exist between noise and money seems to be a development of more recent times. For example, the manager of a large wind tunnel once t
- 虚拟银行,具有以下要求:银行于某时刻开始营业,运行若干时间后自动关门。营业期间有多名顾客随机的来银行存钱,取钱,但是只有一名工作人员提供服务。每次存取钱,银行就报告一次该顾客到当时为止存入和取出的总数及余额,银行关门时在报告一次,不允许透支。银行和顾客分别用不同的线程实现。-Virtual bank, with the following requirements: bank opened certain time, automatic closing after running some ti