- 通信原理的经典讲义,日本东北大学安达幸信教授来华讲义,Communication Theory of classic lectures, Koji Tohoku University Professor Anderson notes here
- 1993 年两位法国教授Berrou、Glavieux 和他们的缅甸籍博士生Thitimajshima 在ICC 会议上发表的Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo codes”,-1993 France 2 Professor Berrou, Glavieux and their Burmese Doctor ICC meeting in Thitimajshima published Near Shanno
- 姚彦教授,清华大学微波与数字通信国家重点实验室,2001年11月3日. -Professor Yao Yan, Tsinghua University Microwave and Digital Communication State Key Laboratory of November 3, 2001.
- 关于ns2的一些实例的ppt,由柯志亨老师提供,上传与做ns2仿真的朋友共享!-ns2 examples ppt.Provided by Zhi-heng Ke professor.
- 香港城市大学李坪教授的关于ZIGZAG程序。具体文献可以参照 http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/liping/Research/Journal-Professor Li Ping, City University of Hong Kong on ZIGZAG program. Specific literature can refer to http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/liping/Research/Journal
- As a pedagogical resource for instructors using Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, we are making available for download Professor Rappaport s PowerPoint slide presentations. These PowerPoint presentations are solely for cl
- As a pedagogical resource for instructors using Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, we are making available for download Professor Rappaport s PowerPoint slide presentations. These PowerPoint presentations are solely for cl
- As a pedagogical resource for instructors using Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, we are making available for download Professor Rappaport s PowerPoint slide presentations. These PowerPoint presentations are solely for cl
- As a pedagogical resource for instructors using Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, we are making available for download Professor Rappaport s PowerPoint slide presentations. These PowerPoint presentations are solely for cl
- As a pedagogical resource for instructors using Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, we are making available for download Professor Rappaport s PowerPoint slide presentations. These PowerPoint presentations are solely for cl
- 清华大学的严蔚敏教授编写的《数据结构》一书的全部代码实现(C语言),亲自经过验证,非常正确-Tsinghua University s Professor Yan Weimin data structure book written code (C language), personally proven very correct
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,它最初由美国Michigan大学J.Holland教授于1975年首先提出来的-GA (Genetic Algorithm) is a simulation of Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection and genetic mechanism of biological e
- audio signal processing and recognition,是一本台湾张智星教授所写的关于语音处理的书籍,网上有另一个版本书名叫《audio processing》,和这个有点区别,两个结合看效果会更好!-audio signal processing and recognition, is a book written by Professor Zhang Zhixing Taiwan books on speech processing, there is another
- 音乐起始点的检测,声音处理专家Bello教授的paper-Detection, sound processing expert Professor Bello music starting point paper
- 江贵平 教授:医学图像分割及其发展现.PDF-Professor Jiang Guiping: medical image segmentation and its development now
- 金澈清 教授:数据管理系统评测基准:从传统数据库到新兴大数据-Professor Jin Cheqing: data management system uation criteria: to emerging traditional data
- 曹军威 教授:《智能电网信息系统体系结构研究》-Professor Cao Junwei: Smart Grid Information Structure of System Architecture
- 徐恪 教授:《在线社会网络的测量与分析》.pdf-Professor Xu Ke: Measurement and analysis of online social networks .pdf
- 只是一个老外写的ofdm的文档,里面包含了matlab的仿真实现-this is a document about ofdm which is authored by a foreign professor. this paper container the simulink of the ofdm