- This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
- TCP性能分析。两个分析模型:拥塞控制,各种场景;给出仿真练习;-two analytical models for TCP’s throughput are compared with simulated results. Based on the study, an ns2 simulation exercise is developed for the course “Simulation of telecommunications networks”. The goal of t
- MPEG-4是一套用于音频、视频信息的压缩编码标准,由国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)下属的“活动图像专家组”(Moving Picture Experts Group,即MPEG)制定,第一版在1998年10月通过,第二版在1999年12月通过。MPEG-4格式的主要用途在于网上串流及光碟分发,语音传送(视频电话),以及电视广播。-MPEG-4 is a set for audio, video compression coding standard by the Inter
- Transporting DNP V3.00 over Local and Wide Area Network. 1 Overview 1.1 Purpose DNP V3.00 (hereafter referred to simply as DNP) was designed for serial point-to-point communication (e.g. RS-232) with limited support for half duplex serial ne
- 本课程设计的目的是设计四用户的扩频通信系统-The purpose of this course design is to design four user spread spectrum communication system
- 本文的主要目的是理解NS2的architecture, 了解NS2的基本原理. NS2采用了Tcl/C++分裂 的模型, 在这种模型中OTcl是处于比较关键的位置, NS2采用了Tcl的编程模式. 使用C++来编 写应用实例, 使用OTcl来操纵这些实例. 理解了OTcl就理解了NS2的框架. 本文先简述Tcl语言 的嵌入特性, 然后描述了NS2的应用场景, 进而分析NS2的架构, 以及实现该架构采用的技术-The main purpose of this paper is to u
- 本文编写的目的主要是为了从整体上理解MTK的编译过程,以便能够较快的处理编译中遇到的问题,同时为以后可能的优化编译过程提供参考。-The main purpose of this writing is to understand the whole MTK compilation process in order to be able to build faster processing problems encountered in the same time, optimizing comp
- 数据传输功能,选择、粘贴和复制相应数据。包括的主要的类有:清除、粘贴板、选择、复制和粘贴-Copyright (c) 2000 David Flanagan. All rights reserved. * This code is from the book Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition. * It is provided AS-IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either expressed or implied.
- 这是一个多用途的测量电路,可以用于测量电阻,测量电流,测量电压~-This is a multi-purpose measurement circuit can be used to measure resistance, measuring current, measuring voltage ~
- 因此,本文在分析IEEE 802.16标准和WiMAX网络架构的基础上,研究基于 WiMAX技术宽带无线网络下的切换策略,以提高WiMAX系统的性能。 -the first stage. Based on the analysis of IEEE 802.16 standard and AMAX network architecture, the handover mechanism for broadband wireless network based on AMAX tec
- 扩频通信毕业论文+通信实验综合系统为目的,从硬件实现和系统仿真两个方面对直接扩频工作方式进行研究-Spread Spectrum Communication Experiment thesis+ integrated system for the purpose of hardware implementation and system from two aspects of simulation work to study the direct spread spectrum
- 本專題分為3大部份 1. 對單一圖片做邊緣檢測後, 統計其複雜度, 再以 Delaunay 三角網來分割複雜度較高的圖形, 將此圖形之三角網的三點座標與RGP值 取樣後壓縮儲存, 及達成壓縮目的. 還原部份為, 以線性內插則是將取樣後的三角網三點內插後還原之原理, 還原單一影像, 再將所有還原之影像串連撥放即完成之影片還原. 2.讀取RS-232接至RFID門禁系統, 讀取Myfair悠遊卡之卡號, 進行身份辨識後, 可選擇需要觀賞之影片.
- 窄带FIR数字滤波器是滤波器设计的关键课题,利用窄带滤波器可以减少设备的计算量,进而提高速度。本文档的目的是研究性能较好且运算量较小的窄带FIR数字滤波器。实现可以通过DSP编程完成。-Narrow-band FIR digital filter is a key issue in filter design, use of narrow-band filter can reduce the computational device, and then increase speed. The p
- MCS Electronics may update this documentation without notice. Products specification and usage may change accordingly. MCS Electronics will not be liable for any miss-information or errors found in this document. All software provided with this
- thesis to implement all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16-2004 in Matlab Simulink. Optional space-time coding for more than one transmit antenna is implemented to allow performance investigations in v
- This tutorial white-paper illustrates practical aspects of FIR fi lter design and fi xed-point implementation along with the algorithms available in the Filter Design Toolbox and the Signal Processing Toolbox for this purpose. The e
- IT++是一个数学、信号处理和通信类功能的C++库。本资料是2010.09最新版本。-IT++ is a mathematical, signal processing and communications functions in C++ library. Its main purpose is to simulate communications systems and conducting research in related fields of communication. It co
- CyFi™ 星网络协议栈(CYFISNP)用户模块是为了解决高达250 通用节点之间提供可靠的双向沟通的枢纽和节点(S)。钍 枢纽是假设墙供电,而节点可以由供电或供电要么墙 碱性(低阻抗)或纽扣电池(高阻抗)。- The CyFi™ Star Network Protocol Stack (CYFISNP) User Module is designed to address up to 250 general purpose nodes
- DMX 512协议是Digital Multiplex的缩写,是灯光行业数字化设备的通用信号控制协议,同时也是是一种国际协议。 USITT DMX512/1990是调光和灯光控制台数据传输标准,是娱乐灯光领域常用的控制协议。以前0-10V模拟控制用的比较多,现在DMX512是娱乐灯光行业最主要的控制协议。USITT DMX512/1990是由美国剧场技术协会USITT提出的。最原始的版本出版于1986年,在1990年做了修改。 -DMX 512 protocol is short for D
- The purpose of the ‘Burst QPSK/16QAM Modulator’ is the data transmission from the subscriber to the service provider (upstream) via coax cable. Thus, its main applications are cable modems at the subscriber’s home. In such systems one headend