Using Tasking to Scale Game Engine Systems
- With 6-core machines in the market for some time and 4-core systems becoming mainstream in laptops, you want to give your customers the best experience independant of core count. Tasking allows programs to benefit from scaling as core counts are incr
SOA Cloth Simulation with 256-bit Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX)
- This article describes a code sample that uses the Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel® AVX) for computing mesh-based cloth simulation. A structure of arrays (SOA) implementation is used to maximize data parallelism enabling the usage of 256-bit
- contains documents about new insights into the recursive least squares algorithm and a sample matlab code for rls algorithm
- osg2.6的中文例子,附带详细说明,要代码样例-Chinese osg2.6 example, with a detailed descr iption, it is necessary to sample code
- The file is a tutorial introduction to Decimation, one of the sample rate conversion processes. It contains detailed basic exposition of the process and a design example to introduce the beginner to the concept.
- DPCM,由于语音信号的相邻抽样点之间有一定的幅度关联性,所以,可根据以前时刻的样值来预测现时刻的样值,只要传预测值和实际值之差,而不需要每个样值都传输。这种方法就是预测编码。-DPCM, as a result of voice signals between adjacent sampling rate of a certain relevance, we can kind of time based on previous values to predict the kind of val
- Bit Error Rate analysis of an Extended Receiver for Rectangular PAM. The performance of a digital communication system in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) can be assessed by the measurement of the bit error rate (BER). The Si
- 基于Simulink的DPSK的通信系统仿真 Simulink 是MATLAB提供的实现动态系统建模和仿真的一个软件包,它让用户把精力从编程转向模型的构造,为用户省去了许多重复的代码编写工作;Simulink 的每个模块对用户而言都是透明的,用户只须知道模块的输入、输出以及模块的功能,而不必管模块内部是怎么实现的,于是留给用户的事情就是如何利用这些模块来建立模型以完成自己的仿真任务;至于Simulink 的各个模块在运行时是如何执行,时间是如何采样,事件是如何驱动等细节性问题,用户可以不去
- Simulink 的每个模块对用户而言都是透明的,用户只须知道模块的输入、输出以及模块的功能,而不必管模块内部是怎么实现的,于是留给用户的事情就是如何利用这些模块来建立模型以完成自己的仿真任务;至于Simulink 的各个模块在运行时是如何执行,时间是如何采样,事件是如何驱动等细节性问题,用户可以不去关心,正是由于Simulink 具有这些特点,所以它被广泛的应用在通信仿真中,利用Simulink 强大的工具箱和其建模的优势建立了常用的DPCM数字电话通信系统仿真模型,对该通信系统进行了模型构建
- 本文首先推导出过采样滤波器组精确重构的条件, 由于此时所需的约束条件数比临界采 样时少, 因而可以设计出频域衰减特性更好的滤波器组-This paper is derived through sampling filters of exact reconstruction of conditions, due to time constraints required for critical extraction ratio When a small sample, so you
- This is the paper based on network simulator 3, which got published in international journal written by me. It makes new user very familiar with this newly proposed Network Simulator. There is a sample scr ipt is also given by me. It also disc
- 本專題分為3大部份 1. 對單一圖片做邊緣檢測後, 統計其複雜度, 再以 Delaunay 三角網來分割複雜度較高的圖形, 將此圖形之三角網的三點座標與RGP值 取樣後壓縮儲存, 及達成壓縮目的. 還原部份為, 以線性內插則是將取樣後的三角網三點內插後還原之原理, 還原單一影像, 再將所有還原之影像串連撥放即完成之影片還原. 2.讀取RS-232接至RFID門禁系統, 讀取Myfair悠遊卡之卡號, 進行身份辨識後, 可選擇需要觀賞之影片.
- 信号序列的DFT本身就是信号频谱的采样集,所以DFT可直接用于分析信号的频谱。快速傅立叶变换是一种有 效、实用的信号DFT算法。文章通过对DIT-FFT算法的详细分析,提出了一种计算机软件仿真信号频谱分析方案,并给出了 关键算法的C 语言程序。-Signal sequence of the DFT spectrum of the sample itself is a set of signals, so the DFT can be directly used to analyze th
- 在雷达、声纳、通信以及振动工程等领域中经常根据离散观测值(采样序列)对正弦信号的参数进行估计。采用复信号模型给信号分析和处理带来很大方便,因此文献中通常采用复正弦信号模型。-In radar, sonar, communications and vibration engineering and other fields are often based on discrete observations (sample sequence) of the sinusoidal signal para
- 本文提出了数字与模拟 相结合的自适应对消方案。通过对发射天线耦合过来的参考信号进行采样,转 换为数字信号后输入信号处理器中经调幅调相处理,再经过DAC转换并放大 后和接收机接收干扰信号相抵消,抵消残留信号再采样转换为数字信号后输入 到信号处理器中调整调幅调相的权值,重复上述过程,形成模拟和数字相结合 的自适应干扰抵消,最终使干扰噪声得到了衰减。 -This paper presents a combination of digital and analog adaptiv
- 通过设置和实际情况相接近的干扰信号、期望信号以及噪声信号参数,来仿真采样 矩阵求逆算法、单星约束下的最小输出功率算法、单星无约束下的最小输出功率 算法分别于单星信号在单个宽带干扰信号、单个窄带干扰信号和复杂电磁干扰信 号存在时的干扰抑制性能,得出在强干扰条件下算法由优到劣的顺序是采样矩阵 求逆算法、单星约束下的最小输出功率算法和单星无约束下的最小输出功率算法, 弱干扰条件下单星无约束下的最小输出功率算法失效等结论。-By setting and close to the ac
- DSK6713_AIC23 Initializing the board support library, Read a sample to the left channel Read a sample to the right channel Send a sample to the left channel
- 在一副扑克牌中随机抽取5张,计算同花顺的概率-In a random sample of five cards, calculate the probability Flush
- The main procedure of the experiment was to sample a signal with different sampling frequencies and observe the differences between them. This experiment is important for us because it aims to teach how to use matlab commands to reconstruct a sampled
- 本文档详细介绍了ESOL的USB HOST中间件的函数使用,可用在uItron系统中。-This document is a reference manual for the PrUSB/Host Sample Class Driver Application Program Interface (API). 1