- import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class BookManageMain{ public void main(String[] args){ Frame f = new Frame("图书管理系统");//super("图书管理系统"); MenuBar Menub = new MenuBar(
DeblurringImages Using theBlindDeconvolutionAlgorithm.rar
- The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm can be used effectively when no information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF) simultaneously. The accelerated, damped Richardson-
- Assuming principal point is in the center of the image for initialisation. We are now going to estimate the generalised focal (gammac) from line images. Please select at least 4 ALIGNED edge points on a NON-RADIAL line on the grid. Click with the rig
65k point season3.1
- 65k point season3.1 by ctpt madein viet nam
15 point DFT simulation in matlab
- it is 15 point Implementation of DFT in matlab. that didn't use built in function in matlab. Result is 15 point DFT of input time signal.