- Routine mwindow: To Obtain Window Function. Input parameters: n : the length of window data. iwindow: window type desired. if : iwindow=1: rectangular window , =2: triangular window , =3: cosin window , =4: Hanning window , =5: Ham
- Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensioned complex array. the frequency response is stored in h(0) to h(n-1). n :the dimension of h and amp. fs :sampling frequency (Hz). iamp:If
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 在C++中,三位数组和二维数组不能够动态生成,但是可以使用指针来动态生成数组空间-In programming language C++, the 3 dimension array and 2 dimension array cannot be generated dynamically, however we can use pointer to generate the array
- 脑波FFT变换 调用格式见m文件头部说明(下边也复制了一份) 有配套.DLL.h.lib.ctf文件,可以在C或C++环境中调用 ------------------------------------ 保存为FFT.m文件 输入参数: N:进行FFT变换的点数(要求是2的N次幂); fs:信号的采样频率(frequency of simpling) sig:进行FFT变换的数组(一维)。 输出参数: f_sig:变换后的信号(一维数组) E_de
- Search Graph in 2 dimension array
- (1)定义整型多维数组类型,各维的下标是任意整数开始的连续整数; (2)下标变量赋值,执行下标范围检查; (3)同类型数组赋值; (4)子数组赋值,例如,a[1..n]=a[2..n+1];a[2..4][3..5]=b[1..3][2..4]; (5)确定数组的大小。 -(1) the definition of multi-dimensional array of type integer, the dimension subscr ipt is any
- 摘 要 : 在堆中模拟生成二维数组-a simulator that generates 2-dimension-array in heap space, using operator new/delete.
- Program to Inverse Array using two Input/Output methods 1- using keyboard and Screen (Array Dimension up to 10) 2- using Files (Array Dimension up to 100)
- 实现各种进制转换,产生随机数。产生随机数的函数,返回值类型为 Long 数组,下标从零开始。注意:随机位数最多为9!注意 任何数据类型的数组都需要 20 个字节的内存空间,加上每一数组维数占 4 个字节,再加上数据本身所占用的空间。数据所占用的内存空间可以用数据元数目乘上每个元素的大小加以计算。例如,以 4 个 2 字节之 Integer 数据元所组成的一维数组中的数据,占 8 个字节。这 8 个字节加上额外的 24 个字节,使得这个数组所需总内存空间为 32 个字节。-Achieve a va
- 1、使用System.Array类的方法获取已知数组(数组元素为80,90,67,89,78,85,45,69,77,95)的维数、长度,并对数组排序、反转。 提示:Rank,Length,Sort(),Reverse() 2、 使用Random方法生成随机数。数组A中有8个互不相同的元素,数组B中有5个互不相同的元素,A和B中的数为100以内的正整数。编程产生数组C,C中包含在A中但不在B中的元素。 任意输入两个正整数a,b, 求a+b的和, a,b的取值范围为1—10100
- 二阶欠定盲分离程序,经典,完整,让您一目了然,请放心使用,原汁原味的matlab代码及详细的英文标注。-ack sobi_cp3 Second Order Blind Identification via Candecomp/Parafac order-3 (CP3) to solve linear instantaneous Blind Source Separation (BSS). sobi_cp3 allows to handle the exactly-det
- the first file (Array made of double linked lists): you have 2 arrays one of them is called (head) the other one is (tail), and each row is a double linked list, the user is asked to define the dimension of these arrays at fist, then he can do some
- this about programming in java that told you how to do Array 2 dimension -this is about programming in java that told you how to do Array 2 dimension
- this code is for java and about programming array 2 dimension and array 3 dimension
- 一个使用向量和矩阵运算的历程。介绍了使用方法。-An example of how to set up arrays in C++. In particular, we note that vectors are easy to declare with fixed or dynamic dimensions, but that arrays of dimension 2 or greater aren t easy to declare dynamically. The example sho
- 基于3个正交均匀直线阵的二维Capon来估计信号的二维DOA,利用其中一个线阵来组合其他2个线阵分别估计的一维DOA-Based on 3 orthogonal uniform linear array of two-dimensional Capon to estimate the signal of the two-dimensional DOA, using one of the linear array to the combination of the other 2 linear a
- 如何读取数据 textread,例如通过x textread( x_inlet.txt )我们可以把文件x_inlet.txt中的数据存储到数组x中,且x的维数和大小会自动与文件x_inlet.txt的相匹配。 如何画二维曲线图 plot,例如 plot(x,y, ob- , linewidth , 2)可以画分别以xy为横纵坐标的二维曲线,线型由ob-决定。 -How to read the data textread, for example, through x textrea
- The post is devoted to the Wpf data grid with dynamically defined number of rows and columns but all cells has the same size.
- 二维情况的chan定位算法,1994年原版论文代码实现,可以支持远近和linear nonlinear四种模式(2 dimension chan algorithm, TDOA localization. Including near, far field and linear nonlinear sensor array)