- 采用UMPL边界的FDTD编程,在VC++中实现,编程规范,具有参考价值。,The use of FDTD boundary UMPL programming in VC++ in the realization of program specification, with reference value.
- 3D效果软件。使用2个摄像头用USBhub连接后,打开该软件,可以实现《阿凡达》类似的3D效果,自己在家也可以阿凡达了-3D effects software. The use of two cameras with USBhub connected, open the software, can have a " Affan up" similar to the 3D effect, his own at home can also be reached by Affan
- wp-cumulus 3D云标签 PHP-标签搜索-Tags: tag cloud, flash, sphere, categories, widget, tags, 3D, cloud Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 2.8.6 Stable tag: 1.23 WP-Cumulus displays your tags and/or categories in 3D by placing them on a rotating s
- 3D游戏程序设计入门15章源码-拾取效果-Introduction to 3D game programming source Chapter 15- pick up the effect of
- 3D手机游戏开发教学 编写一个继承于Canvas类的子类,并且实现Runnable接口,在run方法中绘制屏幕中一个小方块,通过游戏动作键(上下左右)控制方块的移动-3D mobile phone game developers to prepare a succession of teaching in the Canvas sub-class category, and the realization of Runnable interface, in the run method of d
- <Moving Bitmaps In 3D Space>您想知道如何把你所做的3D物體放在屏幕上。您想知道如何利用點陣圖到屏幕上,而不是被黑色部分的圖像給掩蓋。-<Moving Bitmaps In 3D Space> You want to know how do you put 3D objects on the screen. You want to know how to use the bitmap to the screen, instead of being
- 利用透镜成像理论建立摄像机数学模型, 提出了一种线性求解摄像机内外参数的方法。该方 法特点是采用主动发光的光点阵列标定靶,利用2D 标定靶的精确移动来实现基于3D 立体靶标的摄像 机标定的算法。-Lens imaging theory using mathematical models set up the camera, a camera inside and outside the parameters for solving linear approach. The met
- 国外著名的游戏编程书籍及其附带源码,教您如何详细的设置光照和纹理来渲染整个地形。值得借鉴-Game Programming famous book and its accompanying source code to teach you how to set up a detailed rendering light and texture to the whole terrain. Be used for reference
- BezierSpline 1.21。sketch up(草图设计大师,Google精品软件)下的贝塞尔曲线插件,使用时解压拷贝到sketch up安装插件的目录下就行了,我暂时也没用过,请大家从网络上找资料学习它,不过它可以实现的功能就是把不同高度的曲线外边缘平滑连接成复杂精细的曲面,而sketch up主要用于3D设计,利用BezierSpline 1.21可以生成不同等高线地形的3维电子地图!-BezierSpline 1.21. sketch up (draft design of the
- Patent:SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR 3D OBJECT RECOGNITION. The present invention provides a system and method for recognizing a 3D object in a single camera image and for determining the 3D pose of the object with respect to the camera coordinate system. In
- A 3D RPG Engine This is the first half of an OpenGL RPG. It contains most of the graphics processing code, and also walking and also tile-based collision detection. There is suppost for complex quadratic objects (spheres, cylinders, cones) and for
- 数字影像重建在基于灰度的2D/3D医学图像配准技术中具有重要作用。它是利用基于射线追踪算法从三维数据如CT中获得二维虚拟x线图像。影像重建结果的质量直接影响到配准结果的精度。本文对数字影像重建技术作了一定的探讨,实现了对cT体数据的数字影像重建,并通过增强技术获得了突出骨组织的图像,为后续的配准研究做了很好的准备工作。-Digital image reconstruction in intensity based 2D/3D medical image registration techniqu
- 《DirectX 9 3D游戏设计入门》,很好的3D编程自学书籍-" DirectX 9 3D game design-up" , a very good 3D programming self-study books
- Tinger FDTD 是一款基于 FDTD 算法的二维全矢量电磁场数值模拟软件,可应用于光电、微波、电磁等器件及一般光学器件的仿真、设计优化和教学,也可用于光子晶体和特异材料等现代光子学的研究。利用该软件的数值模拟功能,弥补了无法进行实验验证的缺陷。该软件具有广泛的平台通用性,可以在 Windows、linux、嵌入式 Linux 等平台中运行。并具有友好的图形化界面,为软件使用者提供方便。Tinger FDTD完美支持简体中文和英文,并可以动态切换语言。 -Tinger FDTD algor
- 第 一 节 RoboCup3D 简介 1.1 server 1.2 Monitor 第 二 节 如何建立 RoboCup3D 运行环境 第 三 节 开始一场比赛 第 四 节 SEU-3D 程序简介 附录 附录 A rcssserver3D.0.3 参数 附录 B rcsssmoniotr3D-lite 使用说明 附录 C RoboCup 3D 仿真比赛成绩排名 说明 -Section I Introduction
- 不是用osg自带的sphere,而是自己用osg模拟了球体。球体上的点可以拾取。球体上的点可以编辑-Simulated sphere with osg. Can pick up points on the sphere
- 非常能帮您锻炼三维空间思考能力。创意来源于北京科技馆,只要在5*5*5的方格中,上下左右斜对角线和对顶角线的方向上有4个子,即可获胜。-It can help you exercise the ability to think three-dimensional space a lot. Creativity comes from the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.As long as in 5* 5* 5 grid, up and down t
- HTML 5 3D运行球,可以上下左右运动。 -HTML 5 3D run ball, you can up and down movement.
- 能够实现各种图表的累,包括条状图、饼状图、散点图、盒状图、多彩条状图、XY线状图、3D条状图、3D多彩条状图、3D线状图、3D饼状图-Able to achieve a variety of charts tired, including bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, box-shaped figure, colorful bar charts, XY line graph, 3D bar charts, 3D colorful bar chart
- Visual Studio2010平台,基于Arc Engine开发的一个三维系统,搭建了系统的基本框架,实现了添加Raster、Tin、Feature数据、右键、地形渲染、水面渲染等等功能-Visual Studio2010 platform for secondary Based on Arc Engine start, a three-dimensional system, set up the basic framework of the system to achieve the ad