- The Inter IC bus or I2C bus is a simple bidirectional two wire bus designed primarily for general control and data transfer communication between ICs. Some of the features of the I2C bus are: • Two signal lines, a serial data line (SDA) an
- MC44BS373CA是飞思卡尔(原摩托罗拉)公司生产的一款优秀的安防监控IC,支持中国的全部电视频道,MC44BS373高度集成,只需一片单片机向MC44BS373CA的I2C发送指令即可控制MC44BS373CA具体工作频道等参数。MC44BS373CA只接少量的外围元件既可组成一款性能优良的电视发射机。用MC4BS373CA制作的系统可以连接在DVD、摄像机等任何具有音频(Audio)和视频(Video)既AV输出的设备上,可以作为影音的无线或有线传输,可用在宾馆酒楼学校等单位的安防监控,
- 与外部设备进行成功连接的完整I2C程序。This example describes a synthesizable implementation of a I2C. -With external devices connected successfully complete I2C procedures. This example describes a synthesizable implementation of a I2C.
- Using Keil uVision to create this project and compile it to get the hex file. Interfacing DS1307 with AT89S52/1/3 to read and write RTC(Real Time Clocking) IC with I2C bus protocol. SDA and SCL connected into AT89S52 P2.0 Pin and P2.1 pin.
- The software implemented in this Note controls the two GPIO port pins connected to the serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL) lines of the I2C bus.-The software implemented in this Note controls the two GPIO port pins connected to the serial dat
- This source code makes digital camera from a OV5620 camera connected to an ARM microcontroller. In the source code is included Fatfs filesystem, I2C protocol and bayer decoding.
- 温湿度传感器SHT15,其I2C接口与单片机相连,用单片机模拟I2C信号,来进行控制。-Temperature and humidity sensors SHT15, the I2C interface connected to Microcontroller with I2C microcontroller analog signals to control.
- ,用来控制带i2c的风扇板及读写e2prom都没问题,但是用来进行两个AVR单片机之间的通信时,有时会出现数据发送和接收错误(单片机AT1281的TWI引脚连接到i2c缓冲器PCA9513上,通信是在ATCA六槽机箱中进行,但是只用了两个槽位,其他的悬空-That is used to control with the i2c fan board and literacy e2prom all right, but used for two AVR of communication betwee
- I2C 总线协议通过两线串行数据SDA 和串行时钟SCL 线在连接到总线的器件间传递信息,每个器件都有一个唯一的地址识别,而且都可以作为一个发送器或接收器.-Through the two-wire I2C serial bus protocol data SDA and serial clock SCL line is connected to the bus transfer information between devices, each device has a unique addr
- VHDL语言编写的I2C通信接口,可与单片机等MCU相连,只占用很少的引脚线完成数据的传输-Written in VHDL I2C communication interface, such as MCU and MCU can be connected, only takes a few lines to complete the data transmission pin
- Touch Screen driver for EETI s I2C connected touch screen panels
- 此程序是I2C操作平台(主方式的软件平台)的底层的C子程序,如发送数据 及接收数据,应答位发送,并提供了几个直接面对器件的操作函数,它很方便的 与用户程序连接并扩展..... -This program is I2C platform (master mode software platform) in the bottom of the C routines, such as sending data And receive data, send an acknowledge bi
- I2C控制源码 用于摄像头的信号传输和控制。 在使用时FPGA需要接上上拉电阻否则无效-I2C control source signal transmission and control for the camera. When using the pull-up resistor connected FPGA requires otherwise invalid
- VIIC_C51.h 此程序是I2C操作平台(主方式的软件平台)的底层的C子程序,如发送数据 及接收数据,应答位发送,并提供了几个直接面对器件的操作函数,它很方便的 与用户程序连接并扩展..... 函数是采用软件延时的方法产生SCL脉冲,固对高晶振频率要作 一定的修改....(本例是1us机器周期,即晶振频率要小于12MHZ) -VIIC_C51.h This procedure is I2C operating platform (master mode softw
- Touch Screen driver for EETI s I2C connected touch screen panels.
- Touch Screen driver for EETI s I2C connected touch screen panels.
- 电脑端使用串口调试助手,选择电脑与STM32相连的COM口,设置为115200-N-8-1, 复位开发板,即可接收STM32串口发送给电脑的调试信息。-PC side using serial debugging assistant, the computer COM port and the STM32 connected to 115200-N-8-1, Reset the board, STM32 serial port to receive debugging informat
- I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit)总线是由PHILIPS公司开发的两线式串行总线,用于连接微控制器及其外围设备。是微电子通信控制领域广泛采用的一种总线标准。它是同步通信的一种特殊形式,具有接口线少,控制方式简单,器件封装形式小,通信速率较高等优点。I2C 总线支持任何IC 生产过程(CMOS、双极性)。通过串行数据(SDA)线和串行时钟 (SCL)线在连接到总线的器件间传递信息。每个器件都有一个唯一的地址识别(无论是微控制器——MCU、LCD 驱动器、存储器或键盘接口),
- I2C connected to the camera sensor.
- IIC 即Inter-Integrated Circuit(集成电路总线),这种总线类型是由飞利浦半导体公司在八十年代初设计出来的一种简单、双向、二线制、同步串行总线,主要是用来连接整体电路(ICS) ,IIC是一种多向控制总线,也就是说多个芯片可以连接到同一总线结构下,同时每个芯片都可以作为实时数据传输的控制源。这种方式简化了信号传输总线接口。(IIC, the Inter-Integrated Circuit, which is a simple, bi-directional, two-w