- function [U,center,result,w,obj_fcn]= fenlei(data) [data_n,in_n] = size(data) m= 2 % Exponent for U max_iter = 100 % Max. iteration min_impro =1e-5 % Min. improvement c=3 [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, c) for i=1:max_iter if
- 给定任务序列J1J2 ...Jn,假定只有一台处理机为这批作业服务。每件任务Ji给定一个时限di和对应利润Pi。只有在规定时限之内完成作业,才会得到利润Pi。通过设计合适的算法选择和安排任务子集Ji,使得J中的每个作业都能在各自的时限内完工,且使获得的利润∑Pi总和最大。 令d=max{di} 1≤i≤n,b=min{n,d} 任何最大利润的可完工子序列中的作业个数必不大于b。 -Given task sequence J1J2 ... Jn, the assumption that
- SQL 合计函数 使用 SQL 合计函数 你可以确定数据组的各种统计。你可以把这些函数用于查询和合计表达式,条件是在具备 SQL特性的 QueryDef对象中或在创建基于SQL查询的 Recordset对象时。 Avg 函数 Count 函数 First, Last 函数 Min, Max 函数 StDev, StDevP 函数 Sum 函数 Var 和 VarP 函数 -SQL aggregate function
- Descr iption Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implements most populatr mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, exp, log, sqr, floor and ceil. Also it make it possible to define your ow
- 找出数组中的最大元素和最小元素,元素的和,以及各个元素的平均值。并对数组进行排序。-find Max,Min elemens form a array,caculate the sum and average of elements in array,and the sort the array
- Title: Fuzzy logic Engine Descr iption: This dll written in C implements a fuzzy logic engine with 3 different inferencing methods - min-max, dot-sum and Yager. This engine implements also a LALR(1) parser allowing users to define fuzzy sets and ru
- 数塔问题,求从塔顶到塔底的路径,且该路径上的节点值的和最大-tower constituted by number,the program will find a path which is the max sum from points in the path.
- 用于MIMO检测的sphere decoder程序- This function implements a soft output sphere decoder. Based on the paper: C. Studer, M. Wenk, A. Burg, and H. Blocskei: "Soft-Output Sphere Decoding: Performance and Implementation Aspects", Asilomar 2006
- Avetis Ioannisyan avetis@60ateight.com Last Updated: 11/30/05 LMS Channel Adaptation reset randomizers randn( state ,sum(100*clock)) rand( state ,sum(100*clock)) numPoints = 5000 numTaps = 10 channel order Mu = 0
- An implementation of the Max Sub-sequence sum algorithm using divide and conquer. Includes driver program. Perfect for students. -An implementation of the Max Sub-sequence sum algorithm using divide and conquer. Includes driver program. Perfect for
- 一串数字序列比如1,3,4,5,7,6……得到其中的最带不连续子序列(要求序列是严格递增的如1,3,4,5,7可以,5,7,6就不可以) 本代码即,最大不连续子序列问题,属于经典的动态规划问题适合初学者-A string of number sequences such as 1,3,4,5,7,6 ... ... be one of the best sequence with discontinuous (which requires a strictly increasing sequ
- 本源码是用Verilog编写的12位移位相加乘法器的设计源码,开发软件为MAX+PLUS,已经测试通过。-The Verilog source code is written in the sum of 12-bit shift multiplier design source code, developing software for the MAX+ PLUS, has been tested.
- 一本将基于AP传播算法的半监督聚类的算方法书.对于聚类研究的很有帮助-The Uncapacitated Facility Location Prob- lem (UFLP) is one of the most widely stud- ied discrete location problems, whose appli- cations arise in a variety of settings. We tackle the UFLP using probabilisti
- 求和最大的子数组 在一个一维数组中,找到和最大的子数组(连续的任意个元素)-find the sub array that have max sum
- Otsu算法步骤如下: 设图象包含L个灰度级(0,1…,L-1),灰度值为i的的象素点数为Ni ,图象总的象素点数为N=N0+N1+...+N(L-1)。灰度值为i的点的概率为: P(i) = N(i)/N. 门限t将整幅图象分为暗区c1和亮区c2两类,则类间方差σ是t的函数: σ=a1*a2(u1-u2)^2 (2) 式中,aj 为类cj的面积与图象总面积之比,a1 = sum(P(i)) i->t, a2 = 1-a1 uj为类cj的均值,u1 = sum(i*P(
- 基于遗传算法的投影寻踪代码,提供大家下载,方便查阅-【研学堂】【代码】投影寻踪代码,请验用!! function Qa=Project_Pursuit(X,a,Alpha) 输入参数列表 X 本指标矩阵,n×p的矩阵,每一行为一个样本, Xij表示第i行第j列指标,X是否已经归一化均可 a 投影向量,1×p的矩阵,元素取值范围-1~1,要求其元素平方和等于1 Alpha 窗口半径系数,典型取值0.1
- 利用动态规划的思想,求一个数组中的连续最大和-For an array of continuous maximum sum
- 数据结构,依次输入链表中的之,输出相邻两个数之和最大的第一个数。-Input the list of data in proper order,then output the first number of two adjacent numbers ,the sum of which is the maximum.
- 求解最大连续子串,和最大的串成为最大连续子串-search the string of max sum
- les codes for calcul e max of array with assembleur langage