- 本课题采用STC89C51单片机作为主控制器,利用遥控开关来启动和关闭防盗报警系统,采用ND-1型全向震动传感器作为检测元件,当ND-1震动传感器检测到较大振动信号时,能够从第三脚输出直流电压信号,经过放大接入单片机I/O端口。单片机检测到ND-1有信号输出时,立即通过I/O口发出相应的信号驱动扬声器发出报警信号,同时将摩托车引擎锁住,到防盗报警的目的。-STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer used in this subject as the main con
- 1、激活企业硬件投资,整合系统与网络资源 2、突破工作沟通、交流障碍,沟通、交流快捷有效 3、建立企业内部门户,统一信息发布平台,消除信息混乱 4、工作流子系统,实现跨部门协同工作,提升工作效率,加强业务规范 5、全面的组织机构与人力资源管理,监控工作绩效,工作任务实时督办 6、知识管理,打破信息孤岛,实现知识、经验的随时积累、充分利用 7、提高内部资源利用率,降低办公与企业运营成本 8、创造数字化办公环境,实现全球化远程办公和移动办公 9、全方位掌控客户资源,稳
- 论文名为基于全方位视觉的多目标检测跟踪。本文采用能实时获取水平方向360°场景图像的全方位视觉装置,设计并验证了一种新的多运动目标检测与跟踪方法。-Thesis called omni-directional vision-based multi-target detection tracking. In this paper, real-time access to the horizontal direction 360 ° omni-directional vision scene ima
- 全向的标定算法,matlab写的,文件比较多。-The calibration of omni-directional algorithm, matlab written
- 本文评估能力的无线网状结构 提供高性能的互联网接入,同时 要求很少部署规划或业务管理。 该架构审议本文无计划 节点位置(而不是计划的拓扑结构) , 全向天线(而非定向链接) , 和多跳路由(而不是单跳基站) 。 这些设计决策有助于易于部署, 一个重要的要求,社区无线网络-This paper evaluates the ability of a wireless mesh architecture to provide high perform
- 全方位视觉系统在机器人中的应用,这里提供了如何使用全方位视觉为机器人提供帮助-Omnidirectional vision system in robot application, this provides a vision for how to use the omni-directional robot help
- programming for Omni-directional image. they are useful for novice.
- This paper proposes the use of a vector of color histogram peaks a n efficient and effective way for many image indexing problems. It shows that histogram peaks are more stable than general histogram bins when there are variation of scale and/o
- java学生管理需求分析;概要设计;学生管理系统;-Today, the College student information management is extremely important, reasonable management not only reflect a country s level of technology and effect of teaching quality in colleges and universities. Educational admini
- CHARACTERISTICS OF UWB ANTENNAAND WAVE PROPAGATION This paper proposes an omni-directional UWB antenna pattern in azimuth cut, low voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and easy to construct antenna for ultra wideband (UWB) systems. The desi
- 全向移动机器人最短时间控制Minimum time control for omni-directional mobile robots-Minimum time control for omni-directional mobile robots
- Path planning for omni directional robot based on potential fields
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- 源码实现的功能是超声波的360度全向测距,主要是用于智能小车中的快速的目标搜寻查找,主要是在机器人对抗赛中避免目标的丢失,如果使用了360度的目标搜寻就可以很快地调用先关的控制机制,主要用于有转动台的超声波测距。-Source function is implemented 360-degree omni-directional ultrasonic ranging, the smart car is mainly used in the quick search to find the tar
- Omni-directional mobile robot controller based on trajectory linearization
- In this code I have created Image View for Mobile Ad-hoc Network % Here I have created Image View with smart antenna and omni directional % antenna when you run this code you will see some message on your command % window screenlike % Enter Number of