- Software for Low Density Parity Check Codes Radford M. Neal Version of 2006-02-08. This collection of programs and modules, written in C, is intended to support research and education concerning Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. (Note, however,
- 奇偶校验是一种校验代码传输正确性的方法。根据被传输的一组二进制代码的数位中“1”的个数是奇数或偶数来进行校验。采用奇数的称为奇校验,反之,称为偶校验。采用何种校验是事先规定好的。通常专门设置一个奇偶校验位,用它使这组代码中“1”的个数为奇数或偶数。若用奇校验,则当接收端收到这组代码时,校验“1”的个数是否为奇数,从而确定传输代码的正确性。 -Parity is a method of checking the correctness of the code transmission. Be
- dmb-th标准中关于LDPC中稀疏矩阵及校验矩阵的源代码,附有校验矩阵-dmb-th standard in on the LDPC check matrix sparse matrix and the source code, with parity matrix
- This thesis devoted to several efficient VLSI architecture design issues in errorcorrecting coding, including finite field arithmetic, (Generalized) Low-Density Parity- Check (LDPC) codes, and Reed-Solomon codes.-This thesis is devoted to sever
- 计算ldpc低密度奇偶校验矩阵中4环的个数。-Ldpc calculated low-density parity-check matrix of the number of ring 4.
- it s low density parity check coding file
- Low density parity check matrix-Descr iption A program written for generating LDPC matrix in the as pattern as discussed in the research paper , " Time varying periodic convolutional codes with low density parity check matrix" by Alberto
- Flexible construction of girth-six QC-LDPC Codes-The program constructs girth-six QC-LDPC codes given row-weight,k, column-weight,j, and sub-matrix size,m. The obtained parity-check matrix is stored in H. The construction has flexibility in that j,k
- Construction of Regular Gallagher Parity Check
- Hamning encoder/decoder with systematic generator and parity check matrix.
- fault Detection and Isolation with parity -fault Detection and Isolation with parity
- In this paper, we present two encoding methods for block-circulant LDPC codes. The first is an iterative encoding method based on the erasure decoding algorithm, and the computations required are well organized due to the blockcirculant struc
- Low Densitive Parity Checking Codec Simulation for 4G Wireless Network
cycle test algrithm
- lDPC校验矩阵的环检测。包括4环检测算法,6环检测算法及8环检测算法。还包括一个准循环LDPC奇偶校验矩阵的生成算法。-this algrithm can search cycles in LDPC parity check matrix。It contain cycle-4 cycle-6 cycle-8 test algrithm.It also contains a algrithm for generate the LDPC quasi-cyclic parity check matr
- ISO/IEC 14443 parity bit packer algorithm in C (GCC 4.4) with test case, folds 8 data bits and 1 parity bit into char array
- simulink for Low-density parity-check code
risk parity methods.R
- Risk Parity模型,整体方法框架,包括牛顿和power法(Risk Parity methods including newton and power methods.)
risk parity
- risk parity的matlab编程文件(matlab code for risk parity model)
- 对二进制序列进行编码一位纠错,基于一位错误,java实现(Write a Java program that takes in as argument a String representing a 7-bit pattern and an integer indicating the required type of parity (0 = even, 1 = odd) and outputs the new 8-bit binary number (i.e. consisting of pa
Risk Parity code
- 金融工程risk parity,非常牛逼的一段代码。可以用于计算portfolio(Financial engineering risk parity, a very powerful piece of code. It can be used to calculate portfolio)