- 该文件中是关于一些VHDL许多编程实例以及源码分析,希望对VHDL爱好者有用。卷3包括车载DVD位控系统、直接数字频率合成器、图像边缘检测器、等精度数字频率计、出租车计费系统的设计与分析
- --- --- --- -Verilog--- --- ---- This design converts DVD video into a format suitable for display on a CRT/LCD monitor. A DVD video source, such as a DVD player, should be connected to the VIDEO IN port on the DE2-70 board. A CRT/LCD monitor shoul
- his design converts DVD video into a format suitable for display on a CRT/LCD monitor. A DVD video source, such as a DVD player, should be connected to the VIDEO IN port on the DE2-70 board. A CRT/LCD monitor should be connected to the VGA port. The