- catmull-rom的源代码 catmull-rom的源代码 -catmull-rom source code c atmul l-rom source code catmull -rom source code c atmull-rom source code
- CSHARP 编写的XNA游戏程序,采用VS2010变成,需安装XNA4.0-CSHARP preparation of the XNA games, using VS2010 to become, to be installed XNA4.0
- N-Dimensional Cardinal(Catmull-Rom) Spline Interpolation
- Introduction to mathematical splines Bezier curves Continuity conditions (C0, C1, C2, G1, G2) Creating continuous splines C2-interpolating splines B-splines Catmull-Rom splines
- 游戏中由于自动控制相机路径的演示程序-Many people are impressed by realistic camera animations in games or multimedia demos. The math behind what is commonly called camera interpolation is actually pretty simple. In this article, I will focus on a simple algorithm that
- Bspline曲线生成程序Catmull-Rom Spline, Lagrange, Natural Cubic Spline, and NURBS方法获得B样条曲线-Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in Java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spl
- 图像缩放,里面有各种插值算法,很全 OpenGL Nearest Interpolation OpenGL Linear Interpolation GLSL Bi-Linear GLSL Bi-Cubic Triangular Bell B Spline CatMull-Rom-Image scaling, there are a variety of interpolation algorithm, it is OpenGL Nearest Interpola
- 利用B spline和Catmull-rom spline实现物体的移动,旋转由四元数和欧拉角实现。 需要已配置opengl-using B Spline and catmull-rom spline implement the interpolation of object. Rotation are applied by Quaternion and Euler Angle. Please see the implementation video: https://www.youtu
- BSpline 及各种曲线Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in Java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spline, Cardinal Spline, Catmull-Rom Spline, Lagrange, Natural Cubic Splin