- 目的:运用强化学习!多分类器集成!降维方法等最新计算机技术,结合细胞病理知识,设计制作/智能化肺癌细胞病理图像诊断系统0"方法:采集细胞图像,运用基于强化学习的图像分割法将细胞区域从背景中分离出来 运用基于样条和改进2方法对重叠细胞进行分离和重构 提取40个细胞特征用于贝叶斯!支持向量机!紧邻和决策树4种分类器,集成产生肺癌细胞分类结果 建立肺癌细胞病理图库,运用基于等降维方法对细胞进行比对,给予未定型癌细胞分类"结果:/智能化肺癌细胞病理诊断系统0应用于临床随机1200例肺
- 这是最简洁,注释得最好的HOG(Histogram Oriented Gradient)算法的matlab实现。可用于行人识别和物体跟踪。-This code is well commented, which enables the adjusting of the HOG parameters. This code was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, Trainable
- 提出了基于特征融合和模糊核判别分析(FKDA)的面部表情识别方法。首先,从每幅人脸图像中手工定 位34个基准点,作为面部表情图像的几何特征,同时采用Gabor小波变换方法对每幅表情图像进行变换,并提取基 准点处的Gabor小波系数值作为表情图像的Gabor特征;其次,利用典型相关分析技术对几何特征和Gabor特征进 行特征融合,作为表情识别的输人特征;然后,利用模糊核判别分析方法进一步提取表情的鉴别特征;最后,采用最 近邻分类器完成表情的分类识别。通过在JAFFE国际表情数据库和
- Abstract. This paper describes a system for isolated Kannada handwritten numerals recognition using image fusion method. Several digital images corresponding to each handwritten numeral are fused to generate patterns, which are stored in 8x8 ma
- Image descr iptor based on Histogram of Orientated Gradients for gray-level images. This code was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, Trainable Classifier-Fusion Schemes: An Application To Pedestrian De
- 基于SVM分类器的三域特征融合图像隐写分析算法。三域分别是指dct域,dwt域和空域。-A Steganalysis Based on the Fusion of Three-domain Features of Image and SVM (Support Vector Machines) Classifier.the three domain is the dct,the dwt and the space
- 本文提出了一种基于特征融合的纹理图像分类方法,它结合了纹理图像的特 点和框架小波变换方法,处理过程中充分考虑了图像各尺度间的依存关系以及不 同频带中所包含的图像纹理信息,利用支撑矢量机作为分类器,对标准纹理库中 的图像进行了仿真实验。 -This paper presents a texture feature fusion based image classification method, which combines the special texture Point
- fusion svm_knn the output of svm will be the input of knn classifier
- This paper has a further exploration and study of visual feature extraction. According to the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, the work of color feature extraction is finished, the process is as follows: quantifying the color space in non-eq
- Image descr iptor based on Histogram of Orientated Gradients for gray-level images. This code %was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, 'Trainable %Classifier-Fusion Schemes: An Application To Pedestrian Detectio
- 简单的获取分类器融合矩阵的matlab程序,利于初学者理解融合矩阵的含义-Get simple classifier fusion matrix matlab program, which will help beginners to understand the meaning of the integration matrix
- 通过改进基于Haar-like特征和Adaboost的级联分类器,提出一种融合Haar-like特征和 HOG特征的道路车辆检测方法-By improving based on Haar-like features and Adaboost cascade classifier, presents a fusion of Haar-like features and characteristics of HOG road vehicle detection method
- adboost算法的测试和训练,能够做多分类器融合,获得很高分类精度-adboost algrithm, it can be used to operate multi-classifier fusion
- 1_On the Dimensionality Reduction for Sparse Representation based Face Recognition 2_Fingerprint Pore Matching based on Sparse Representation 3_Microaneurysm (MA) Detection via Sparse Representation Classifier with MA and Non-MA Dictionary
- Nowadays security becomes a most important issue regarding a spoof attack. So, multimodal biometrics technology has attracted substantial interest for its highest user acceptance, high security, high accuracy, low spoof attack and high recognition
- AdaBoost元算法属于boosting系统融合方法中最流行的一种,说白了就是一种串行训练并且最后加权累加的系统融合方法。 具体的流程是:每一个训练样例都赋予相同的权重,并且权重满足归一化,经过第一个分类器分类之后, 计算第一个分类器的权重alpha值,并且更新每一个训练样例的权重,然后再进行第二个分类器的训练,相同的方法....... 直到错误率为0或者达到指定的训练轮数,其中最后预测的标签计算是各系统*alpha的加权和,然后sign(预测值)。 可以看出,训练流程是串行的
- 本程序融合机器学习,利用支持向量机训练车牌样本数据,然后用来识别测试数据,测试结果表明,该训练分类器正确率接近99 -This program fusion machine learning, support vector machine training license plate sample data were then used to identify the test data, test results show that the classifier is trained prop
- lbp 源码详细讲解了lbp的过程,值得一看-lbp his code is well commented, which enables the adjusting of the HOG parameters. This code was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, Trainable Classifier-Fusion Schemes: An Application To
- 基于叶片数字图像的植物识别是自动植物分类研究的热点。但是随着植物种类的增加,传统的分类方法由 于提取的特征比较单一或者分类器结构过于简单,导致叶片识别率较低。为此,本文提出使用纹理特征结合形状 特征进行识别,并且使用深度信念网络构架作为分类器。纹理特征通过局部二值模式、Gabor 滤波和灰度共生矩阵 方法得到。而形状特征向量由 Hu 氏不变量和傅里叶描述子组成。为了避免过拟合现象,使用“dropout”方法训练 深度信念网络。这种基于多特征融合的深度信念网络的植物识别方法-Plant based