- This file contains one-line descr iptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply - flip the orientation of faces normalsply - compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply - transform vertic
- 1. Support for OFF, PLY, GTS, OBJ file formats. 2. Perspective (one, two, three point perspective), axonometric and orthographic projections. 3. Ability to rotate, pan, zoom in/out and focus on a region of interest. 4. Ability to change backgro
- 是一款网格数据读取工具的源码,用qt3和opengl编的。可以读取ply,obj,wrl等主流网格数据。-It s a mesh viewer tools. The data formats contain .obj, .ply. .wrl and so on.
- 人类的头骨模型,包含各种三维格式,如Ply,off,3ds,obj-Human skull model, includes a variety of 3D formats, such as Ply, off, 3ds, obj, etc.
- A fast 3D mesh viewer. Released as Freeware and open-sourced under Mozilla PL (http://mozilla.org) 3D Formats: 3DS, OBJ, SMD, MD2, TIN, PLY, STL 2D Formats: JPG, BMP, TGA, CEL etc. Supports smooth and flat shading, wireframes, hidd
- JMeshLib程序主要针对流形三角网格进行优化,以边为结构数据对三维立体表面数据进行法矢一致性转换、孔洞检查、噪声监测以及剔除退化三角形等功能。-JMeshLib provides a framework to work with manifold triangle meshes. It implements an edge-based data structure with all its fundamental functionalities (i.e., file I/O, me
- 在很多书上介绍的三维图形数据都是.obj,3ds格式,.dxf等格式的,真正讲解如何读取的就只有.obj格式文件的。但是我现在所做的内容,要求从.ply文件中读取初始塞维图形数据,-Are many books on the introduction of the three-dimensional graphics data. Obj, 3ds format dxf format really explain how to read only. Obj format. But I am doi
- 自己写的一个读取PLY斯坦福兔子的OpenGL程序,ply模型,对想了解ply和opengl的有一定的作用-A Code AboutOpengl read ply
- 该工具包囊括了常用的三维模型处理方法,能读取.off .ply .obj等常用的三维模型格式。非常实用。-this toolbox is contains widely used mesh processing methods.such as compute rotation,compute normal and so on .
- 可以简化obj,ply等三维模型,1:在VC++2008上运行oglpemsh.dsw 文件 2:选择要简化的模型,eg:huge_bunny.ply 3:选择简化 -Mesh Simplification Viewer This program implements four different mesh simplification algorithms. After loading a mesh, the user can easily remove triangl
- 数字表面模型的处理软件,可以处理多种文件格式的表面模型,例如:obj,ply,off等,对表面模型进行几何和拓扑结构进行修复。-Processing software of digital surface model, surface model, can handle a variety of file formats such as: Obj, ply, off etc., on the surface model of the geometric and topological struc
- CloudViewer (点云可视化软件)是一款面向三维点云数据处理、点云开发专业人员及爱好者的三维点云可视化软件,该软件具备以下功能: 点云 IO。常见点云格式文件(如 ply, pcd 和 obj)的读取、保存、删除清空及可视化。 点云的基本操作。设置点云颜色,合并多个点云,点云格式转换等。 可视化的基本操作。设置视图窗口背景颜色,设置点云的可视化尺寸,设置坐标系的显示,设置视图方位(Main view, Left view, Top view),网格面片显示,网格线框显示