- Render .NET is an 3D Photorealistic Rendering Library - REYES(RenderMan),Ray / Photon Tracing Architecture - Complex Models such Quadrics / Patches / Mesh... - Primitive / Displacement(True) / Surface / LightSource / Volume/Imager Shaders - Sampling
- 基于ati显卡使用shader实现的运动模糊效果。需要ogl的扩展和最新的显卡才能运行。开发环境使vc6+ogl2.0-ati cards based on the use of shaders to achieve the motion blur effect. T needed for the expansion and the latest graphics card to run. The development environment makes vc6 + ogl2.0
- 一个巨cool的3D游戏引擎源代码。其0.3版本开始收费,卖10000美金,其功能有bsp/portal,particle system,physics,skelet-animation,energe unit,lod.四叉树/八叉树,shaders(glsl/hlsl)-a giant cool 3D game engine source code. Version 0.3 of its fees, selling 10,000 dollars, and its function is BSP
- 现在市面上流行的3D游戏画面越来越炫目,不过也有一些为了营造一种特殊的效果而使用了卡通渲染技术,比如PC游戏中的《杀手XIII》,《忍者神龟》;PS2游戏中的《真红之泪》,《犬夜叉》等等。这些游戏的画面看上去很像漫画,感觉比较有趣。下面就介绍一种简单的实现方法。 所谓用卡通渲染技术绘制的三维物体一般都有两个明显的特征,一个特征是物体表面覆盖着大块的单调颜色,而且光影变化比较剧烈;另一个特征是物体拥有粗重的边缘效果。如果能自己控制光照和阴影,就可以达到目的。而DirectX 9.0 中的顶点
- BuGLe combines a graphical OpenGL debugger with a selection of filters on the OpenGL command stream. The debugger allows viewing of state, textures, framebuffers and shaders, while the filters allow for logging, error checking, video capture and more
- 基于direx对云的模拟The procedural clouds sample demonstrates the use of vertex and pixel shaders to generate realistic, moving cloud layers. The sample uses dependant texture reads to perturb a cloud texture map.
- 海面的模拟The OceanWater sample demonstrates the use of vertex and pixel shaders to create the effect of a shiny oscillating ocean surface with multiple waves moving in different directions.
- 一个模拟火焰的例子The ProceduralFire sample demonstrates the use of pixel shaders to procedurally generate natural phenomena such as fire.
- shrike is a utility application that acts as a testbed for shaders written in Sh
- 别看该游戏体积很小,但对机器配置要求却很高,一般人的电脑恐怕都不能运行。最低配置如下(达不到不能运行): - 1.5GHz Pentium3/Athlon以上处理器 - 512MB以上内存 - Geforce4 Ti或ATI Radeon8500以上等级显卡 - 支持pixel shaders 1.3、128MB以上显存 - 普通声卡 - DirectX 9.0b
- This article provides an introduction to writing pixel shaders with the Cg shader programming language and using them in OpenGL with the ARB_fragment_program extension
fragment shaders
- fragment shaders
- 《Shaders.for.Game.Programmers.and.Artists》这本书的源代码,网上很难找的。,Shaders.for.Game.Programmers.and.Artists This book is the source code, it is difficult to find online.
- diffuse + specular lighting shader for xna4
- 给定一个无向图,相邻两个图不能着相同颜色,求多少种颜色将每个顶点着色-Give an undirected graph, adjacent to the two plans should not the same color, the number of colors for each vertex shaders
- 《Shaders.for.Game.Programmers.and.Artists》学习Shader的好资料-Shaders.for.Game.Programmers.and.Artists.pdf
- 《Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists》及随书源代码,好艰难才搜集到的,本书对Shader入门非常有用-Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists and the book s source code, so difficult to collect it, and this book very useful entry on the Shader
- // This demo implements tangent space parallax normal mapping with offset // limiting using a series of Direct3D High Level Shading Language (HLSL) // shaders. A single D3DX Effect file (.fx) is provided with three techniques // that implements
- 这本书的重点就是shader-渲染,在3D游戏开发过程中,渲染是一个难点,也是一个重点,本书就是详细介绍如何渲染的书籍,从入门到高级。-the book is written for anybody who has some interest in the topic.Because the topics and techniques covered throughout this book are so varied,it is bound to be ofinterest to everyb
- POWERVR OpenGL ES SDK的3D demo shaders,展示了著色器可以實現的效果-POWERVR OpenGL ES SDK for 3D demo shaders, shader shows the effect can be achieved