- 该程序是用来播放MPEG4格式的视频文件的,是我自己编的,有什么问题,请大家指教!-This programme is for playing MPEG4 video document, developed by myself. It was my pleasure to accept anyone s advise for any problem.
- 最近写了一个小的管理软件,在初始页LOGO里加入了视频,这里正好由于公司做图形这块,于是这里就牵涉到了这个视频文件的保密问题, 其实也没什么,但是这个小文件虽然简单,但也不能让他们自己拿出去做广告吧,因为是免费提供给他们的.这里讨论一下文件的保密,希望有兴趣的朋友一起来讨论一下. -recently wrote a small management software, in the initial pages LOGO Lane joined the video, here precisel
- 在matlab环境下讲视频文件读入,程frames状,基本上所有的视频格式都支持。-in Matlab environment Video document read, Cheng-frames, basically all the video formats are supported.
- 网络视频,流文件的播放和传输,很不错的网络多媒体参考程序-network video, document flow and broadcast transmission, is very good network of multimedia reference program
- 视频分析源码,打开,显示,播放视频文件,是视频处理的基础-video analysis source, open, display, broadcast video document is the basis of video processing
- 视频剪辑处理,简易的操作界面,友好的帮助提示,让你轻轻松松对视频文件进行剪辑处理.-video clips, simple interface, with the help of friendly tips Let your light-hearted video clips document processing.
- 通过RTP协议进行通讯的完整例子,本人已经在VC6上编译通过。 可以向支持SIP协议的服务器发起VOIP呼叫,并可以进行文字、视频、文件的传输。-through RTP for a complete communications example, I have compiled the VC6 through. To support SIP Server launched VoIP call, and can be text, video, document transmission.
Video Renting System
- 本人写的一个简单VCD租赁系统,需JDK1.5.0编译,main()函数在maininterface.java文件中。-I wrote a simple VCD rental system, the need JDK1.5.0 compiler, main () function in maininterface.java document.
- 台湾厂商TechWell出品的视频解码器(video decoder)TW9910的数据手册.个人认为品质各方面表现还是很不错的.,This document is datasheet of video decoder(TW9910) Produce by TechWell of TaiWan.personally I think the Quality performance is very good.
- 在S3C2410A开发板上装有LINUX系统. 实现智能小车能自主地在平地行驶,能躲避一定高度和大小的障碍物。 下一目标: 优化行走算法、行走路线预测、自选行走路线等。 加入编码轮,实现PID -S3C2410A development board equipped with the LINUX system. The realization of intelligent autonomous vehicle can be driven in the ground to av
- 这套软件视频会议包括客户端+服务器端全套完整源代码,还有开发文档。也可进行二次开发。可与贵单位原有的网站和业务管理软件进行很好的融合(如OA 系统、MIS系统、ERP系统等),为您提供广泛的应用服务。 我公司提供软件视频会议系统 ,有完整的说明文档 ,视频会议全部源代码-Video conferencing software, including client+ Complete server-side source code, as well as the development of
- This document contains a detailed descr iption of the usage and configuration of the JSVM [Joint Scalable Video Model] software for the Scalable Video Coding [SVC] project of the Joint Video Team [JVT] of the ISO/IEC Moving Pictures Experts Group [MP
- 一个监控卡视频监控模块源代码 内有详细说明文档-A video surveillance monitor card module source code is described in detail in the document
- 使用本系统,您可以利用普通的PC机、标准的视频采集设备、耳机和麦克风就能进行基于Internet的虚拟会议。与传统的基于硬件的解决方案相比,本视频会议系统是纯软件的解决方案。您无需投入高昂的成本,就能够实现高质量、高可靠性的音视频通讯、文字交流、文档共享、电子白板等多种会议功能,有效地节约时间和经费,提高企业的工作效率-The use of the system, you can use an ordinary PC, the standard video capture devices, he
- Audio Codecs -MPEG4 AAC IEEE coding schemes document-Audio Codecs-MPEG4 AAC IEEE coding schemes document
- mexDDGrab.dll 一定要将其放在WORK目录下。以下文件也一样。 mmread 可读取各种视频格式的文件,用法在M文件中。 avermatrix 提取静止的背景。 frame2bmp 将视频帧存为BMP格式。 show 仔细阅读,可单步输入MATLAB命令窗口运行。-mexDDGrab.dll must put WORK directory. Following the same document. mmread can read a variety of vide
- i write it use opencv lib in order to capture image from each frame in webcam or video and save all image to a document,and i use it to capture hand image for haartraining,hope you like it! -)-i write it use opencv lib in order to capture image from
- document of PAL video system
- 视频分类内部文档,基于融合MPEG-7描述子和二次预测机制的视频自动分类算法,-Video Categories internal document, based on the integration of MPEG-7 descr iptors and the second automatic prediction mechanism of the video classification algorithm
- document about video tracking medical image