- PhpMyFAQ is a multi lingual, open source FAQ (question and answer) system developed with PHP technology, similar to Baidu, and supports multiple databases. PhpMyFAQ has content management capabilities, picture management, support for multi-user, user
- 一款远程Linux服务终端软件,很好的做linux开发的终端工具(A remote Linux service terminal software)
- STM32的ISP下载,这个版本可支持STM32F1和F4系列。使用时请手动插拔电源。(STM32's ISP download, this version supports the STM32F1 and F4 series. Manually plug in the power supply when using ISP)
- ApiAdmin is based on ThinkPHP5.0 development, API oriented background management system!
- 一键搭建PHP2.4.1版本树洞 简单易用 快捷方便(One button to build PHP2.4.1 version of the tree hole Simple and easy to use, quick and convenient)
无线传屏技术 - Android Miracast的实现
- 简要介绍了Airplay、DLNA和Miracast等3种无线传输技术;详细说明了Android 4.2上Miracast的实现流程。(3 kinds of wireless transmission technologies, such as Airplay, DLNA and Miracast, are briefly introduced. The realization process of Miracast on Android 4.2 is explained in detail.)
- 基于随机邻域搜索的含风电配电网优化规划 本程序提出了含风电配电网中基于半不变量的随机潮流算法,该算法考虑了风电的出力随机性,运用了概率统计方法处理系统运行中的随机变化因素,给出系统运行电压、支路潮流等概率分布情况,可以更深刻地揭示系统运行状况,为系统安全运行决策提供更完整的信息。 随机变量的卷积运算是随机潮流计算量较大的部分,利用半不变量的方法进行随机变量间的卷积运算,并用Gram-Charlier级数展开式计算随机变量的分布[4-6]将使整个随机潮流计算效率很高,其精度也足以满足规划和运行
- 1、基于stm23f103c8t6的开发板开发,外接rc522读卡板。 2,实现让windows系统把设备认成hid键盘,当刷M1卡时,把4字节的卡号以键盘输入的形式上送到电脑。 3,已在xp,win7系统上测试。把鼠标放在文本输入框中,刷卡,卡号即可显示在文本框中,并回车换行。(1, based on the stm23f103c8t6 development board development, external rc522 read card board. 2, to achieve
- Apple CMS video sharing program is a set of PHP+MYSQL environment to run a perfect and powerful fast site system.
- 填充算法用于干涉图像的解缠,是对枝切算法中缺点的补充。(FloodFill.m unwraps the phase image, avoiding all branch cuts. Created by B.S. Spottiswoode on 12/10/2004 Last modified on 13/10/2004)
- HYBBS is based on the HYPHP framework development, the framework is a MVC structure of the program, and his database engine based on PDO extensions run, I uphold the attitude of excellence in the preparation of the program.
- .NET 编程入门,课件学习,附带案例说明,简单易懂(.NET programming portal, courseware learning, with cases)