- 1、生成密钥 2、生成文件 3、选择起止日期(日期不能包含当天) 4、测试是否匹配成功(1. Generate keys 2, generate files 3, select the starting and ending date (date can not contain the day) 4, the test matches successfull)
- ds18b20的一段程序,我也看不懂,大家自己看看吧,能用就拿去用吧(DS18B20 section of the program, I do not understand, we look at it, you can use it to use it!)
- PHP+jQuery locates the city according to the IP address and demonstrates two ways to locate the city information of the user according to the IP address.
- Laravel is a concise and elegant PHP Web development framework (PHP Web Framework). It frees you from the messy code of noodles; it can help you build a perfect network APP, and each line of code can be concise and expressive.
- 国密非对称算法SM2的源代码,c编写,调试通过,可用(National density asymmetric algorithm SM2 source code, C prepared, debugging through, available)
- Unity3D目前小游戏流行的关卡系统目前小游戏流行的关卡系统(Unity3D At present, small game popular level system)
- 手写字识别,svm算法~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(SVM-Minist-HandWriting-Recognition-master)
- 机器学习实战,作者peter harrington著,里面有源码和资源文件(Machine learning combat source code and resource files)
- CakePHP is a development framework for rapid development of PHP, which uses a number of common design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association, Data, Mapping, Front, Controller, and MVC. Its main goal is to provide a framework that enables any leve
- Allow separation of public and base directories; The introduction of the surface permission dependency tree makes UI more intuitive; Add the admin pane to configure the SMTP settings; Added ability to upload forums, logos, and icons;
- shell学习的一些重要指令讲解网址,同时有一个文件是一个简单的shell脚本 ,可以参考着来写脚本。(Shell to learn some of the important instructions on website.At the same time a file is a simple shell scr ipt, you can reference to write scr ipts.)
- C++语言编程规范,养成一个良好的编程习惯,对降低BUG,提高效率都有很大帮助(C++ language programming specifications, to develop a good programming habits, to reduce BUG, improve efficiency are very helpful)