- 写了一个常用的楼梯灯的例程,楼下到楼上依次有 3 个感应灯:灯 1、灯 2、灯 3。当行人上下楼梯时,各个灯感应到后自 动点亮,若在 8s 内感应信号消失,则点亮 8s,若感应信号存在时间超过 8s,则感应信号消 失 4s 后灯自动关闭。 任务 1:做出如上逻辑电路设计并仿真; 任务 2:考虑去抖,对于感应信号到达存在毛刺(小于 0.5s),设计逻辑并剔出。 任务 3:若为节约能源,下一个灯点亮的同时将自动关闭上一个灯,做出如上逻辑设计并仿 真(仅考虑一个人的情况); 任务 4:考
- 用枚举类型实现输入一个月份的数字,显示出其对应的英文单词(Enumeration type is used to input the number of a month to display its corresponding English words.)
- 多开器模块,可供大家下载学习。可以学习一下。(Multiple open module, for everyone to download and learn. You can learn it.)
- 地理位置查询模块,很不错的易语言模块,易爱好者可以下载使用()
- 基于易语言的DNF外挂注入器源码,功能有注入和卸载,()
Quadratic Equation
- 用函数算出二元以此方程的解,运用求根公式。(Use function to calculate the results of Quadratic Equation)
- 对概率统计中所运用到的一些基本算例进行计算,辅助理解概率学中一些复杂的知识点(Some basic examples used in probability statistics are calculated to help understand some complicated knowledge points in probabilistic science.)
The least common multiple
- 先设计出一个函数算出两个数的最大公因数,再设计一个函数并用之前的函数将此函数用来计算出两个数的最小公倍数。(First, a function is designed to calculate the maximum common factor of two numbers, and then a function is designed and the function is used to calculate the minimum common multiple of the two nu
- 基于KRAKEN 模型,计算了浅海条件下的CW信号的目标回波(Based on the KRAKEN model, the target echoes of CW signals in shallow water are calculated.)
- 快速非局部均值,用来消除噪声,效果良好,适合于细节较多的图像(Fast nonlocal means is used to eliminate noise and achieve good results, which is suitable for more detailed images.)
- 机器学习/python入门项目一:聚类kNN(Machine learning / python entry project: clustering kNN)
Transposed Matrix(variable-length)
- 此程序先提示用户输入输入一个数组的行和列,然后再依次输入其对应的元素,之后再将这个数组转置。(This program first prompts the user to input rows and columns of an array, then input its corresponding elements in turn, and then transpose the array.)