- you can pass C++ objects between different MEX functions without first converting to a MatLab compatible format-you can pass objects between different C ME X functions without first converting to a MatLa b compatible format
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- This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. They are written as demonstrations of basic algorithm implementations and are not designed for real-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consists of Ma
- This collection of C++ templates wraps the FORTRAN or C interfaces for LAPACK so that they integrate with the Boost uBLAS library. Currently implements Cholesky decomposition, LU decomposition, inversion and determinant for general and positive-defin
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- UMDA. a kind of estimation of distribution algorithm , which is the improvement of genetic algorithm-UMDA. A kind of estimation of distribution algorithm, which is the improvement of genetic algorithm
- Messy GA code in C (for IlliGAL Report 91008.) -messy GA code in C (for IlliGAL Report 91008 .)
- Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg, D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.) -Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg. D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.
- 是关于JAVA的学习的课件,就是JAVA最难懂的那部分,对想学的人很有帮助的,是清华大学的部分-on Java learning courseware, Java is the most translation of the part, right, like the people very helpful, some of the Tsinghua University
- 利用java编程 1. 编写求n后问题的通用函数; 2. 取n=8计算出n后问题的所有可行解,并以8元组的形式输出(可以对可行解的结构进行分析,); 3. 随机输出2个可行解的图形。其中棋盘要有8×8的格子,Queen图象自选;
- 1、 了解系统调用pipe()的功能和实际原理 2、 编写一段程序,使用管道实现父子进程之间的通信 a) 使用系统调用fork()创建一个子进程 b) 子进程调用函数write()向父进程发送自己的进程ID和字符串” s sending a message to parent.\\n”。 c) 父进程调用函数read()通过管道读出子进程发来的消息,将消息输出屏幕,然后终止 -1, the understanding of the system call pipe () fu
- 1、 了解系统调用fork()、execl()、exit()、getpid()和waitpid()的功能和实现过程 2、 编写一段程序实现以下功能: a) 使用系统调用fork()创建两个子进程 b) 父进程重复显示字符串”parent:”,并使用函数getpid()显示自己的进程ID。 c) 两个子进程分别重复显示字符串”child:”,并使用函数getpid()显示自己的进程ID 3、 编写一段程序实现以下功能: a) 使用系统调用fork()创建一个子进程 b)