- 该文件基于Matlab的GUI界面设计了6自由度串联机器人的运动学、动力学和轨迹规划的算法,用户可以计算PUMA560型的机器人的正逆运动学,正逆动力学和指定的轨迹规划,同时可以动画显示机器人点对点的运动路线。该程序可进行二次开发,用户可根据机器人模型的不同修改参数,针对自身模型进行运动学、动力学和轨迹规划的计算与仿真。(Based on the GUI interface of matlab, this paper designs an algorithm for kinematics, dy
- 内附有弹道导弹弹道要求及过程,有完整的matlab程序,可以借鉴学习。自己大三时的远程火箭弹道学大作业。(t includes ballistic missile trajectory requirements and process, complete matlab program, which can be used for reference and learning. My junior year of long-range rocket ballistics homework.)
- 本文采用交替最小化作为主要设计思想,提出不同的算法来接近理想的纯数字预编码器的性能。
- 可靠性评估经典算例IEEEert79的matlab编程(Reliability evaluation classic example IEEEert79 matlab programming)
Statistics Code by Matlab
- 包含一元线性回归分析、多元线性回归分析、逐步回归分析、非线性回归分析、主成分分析、因子分析、层次聚类分析、判别分析、自相关分析和自回归分析的全套Matlab源代码(MATLAB source code including linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, stepwise regression analysis, non-linear regression analysis, principal co
- 采用粒子群算法结合MATPOWER对GARVER-6配电网系统进行交流潮流计算并进行网架规划(AC power flow calculation and grid planning for GARVER-6 distribution system using particle swarm optimization and MATPOWER)
- 速度环采用自抗扰技术,运用矢量控制对永磁同步电机进行控制(Speed loop using ADRC Technology)
- 本代码适用于随机场中的KL正交展开,可用于描述参数的空间变异。(This code is suitable for KL orthogonal expansion in random fields and can be used to describe the spatial variation of parameters.)
- 对脉搏信号进行滤波处理后,再进行时域分析和频域分析,提取出脉搏信号的周期、峰值、频率等特征。(After filtering the pulse signal, time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis are carried out to extract the characteristics of pulse signal such as period, peak value and frequency.)
- 西储大学轴承数据,故障特征频率明显,与理论值基本符合。(The bearing data of Xichuan University have obvious fault characteristic frequency, which is basically in accordance with the theoretical value.)
- 本模型是基于matlab Simulink搭建的PQ控制和下垂控制模型,可以用于微电网的并网和孤岛运行PID参数已经调好,效果理想,可以供参考。(This model is based on the model of PQ control and droop control built by MATLAB Simulink. It can be used in the parallel operation of microgrid and islanding operation. The PID
- 此模型为双向DCDC,可用于电池充放电,燃料电池升降压模拟等。采用PWM控制IGBT管占空比。可直接运行,在其基础上修改简单(This model is a bidirectional DCDC, which can be used for battery charging and discharging, fuel cell buck-boost simulation. PWM control of the IGBT tube duty cycle. Can be run directly,