- 利用BP神经网络算法进行车牌图像识别的代码,进行数字、车牌字符的识别,另附相应学习图片素材(二值化)及训练后网络-Using BP neural network algorithm for vehicle license plate image recognition code, the number of characters, license plate recognition, with the corresponding learning picture material and tra
- logistic回归实现,优化方法为牛顿法,代码中未上传数据,- logistic newton
- 首次利用智能水滴算法的基本原理,设计了求解VRPTW问题的快速有效算法,-Based on the principles of the intelligent water drops, a fast and efficient intelligent water drops (IWD) algorithm for solving the VRPTW is designed.
- 一种新的智能优化算法:闪电算法,用无约束优化测试函数进行验证,效果不错,值得推广,该算法的文献已被SCI检索,百度学术也可搜索到-A new intelligent optimization algorithms: Lightning algorithm, using unconstrained optimization test function to verify, the effect is good, worthy of promotion, the literature of the
- 本案例是采用GRNN(径向基)神经网络预测水资源量,GRNN神经网络适合于小样本、高精度预测,本实例附有数据(不全),下载者可以直接将数据更改为自己的数据便可以使用。程序中使用了交叉验证方法,使预测精度大大提高-This case is the use of GRNN (Radial Basis Function) neural network to predict the amount of water, GRNN neural networks suitable for small samp
- 二代证读卡器和指纹识别示例代码,快速运行SDK的Demo演示程序。您必须拥有一个亚略特的指纹采集设备。-Second generation ID card reader and fingerprint sample code, run fast the SDK Demo demo program. You must have a sub Elliott fingerprint capture device.
- A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a feedforward artificial neural network model that maps sets of input data onto a set of appropriate outputs. An MLP consists of multiple layers of nodes in a directed graph, with each layer fully connected to the nex
- 用python实现了隐马尔科夫模型的概率计算和预测部分,主要是前向后向算法和维特比算法-Realized with python hidden Markov model probability calculation and prediction part is mainly forward-backward algorithm and the Viterbi algorithm
- 这是一个基于A*算法的路径规划程序,利用栅格法构建了房间地图,然后通过A*算法规划出一条从出发点到目标点的最短路径。-This is based on A* algorithm path planning process, build the room use map grid method, and then through the A* algorithm plan a starting point the shortest path to the target point.
- 一个深度学习的python例程,该程序可以通过学习大量手写数字的数据提取出各手写数字的特征并对其进行识别。本文件中包含运行的主程序和结果,以及运行程序所需要的python库。- A depth learning python routines, the program can learn a lot of handwritten digital data extracted handwritten digits of each feature and gain recognition. Th
- 粒子群算法程序,能够求解方程组,求解最优化问题-Particle swarm optimization program that can solve the equations, solving optimization problems
- Learning to Detect a Salient Object 文章的代码实现-Learning to Detect a Salient Object code article