- 用于邮件的解码,对接收到的邮件进行解码,然后显示出来整个邮件内容decode the receive mails-decode the receive mails
- 采用C++ Builder 6.0工具编写的完整的邮件收发软件源码,支持SMTP/POP3协议,可直接编译运行.C Builder 6.0 tools for the preparation of the integrity of the mail software source code, forwarding for SMTP/POP3 support agreement can be directly translated operation.-C Builder 6.0 tools fo
- 实现本地拦截程序的封包,改数据转发等操作Procedures for local intercept packets, change the data forwarded, and so-Procedures for local intercept packets, change the data forwarded, and so
- 向初学者演示一下如何利用WINSOCK在几台计算机之间互相传输屏幕图象Presentation to the beginners how to use WINSOCK in several computer screen image transmission between-Presentation to the beginners how to use WINSOCK in several computer screen image transmission between
- VB贴吧吧主sunshinebean写的人人网必胜客刷围观工具,对抓包分析,post提交等学习有帮助。VB paste it right to write all the main sunshinebean network Pizza Hut crowd brush tool, packet capture analysis, post helpful to submit such study.-VB paste it right to write all the main sunshinebe
- A Win32 command line SMTP mailer. Use it to automatically eMail logs, the contents of a html FORM, or whatever else you need to sendA Win32 command line SMTP mailer. Use it to a utomatically eMail logs, the contents of a html FORM. or whatever else y
- 这个是目前HEVC官方参考软件HM的版本HM11.0,可供大家下载下来参考学习。-This is the official reference software HM HEVC version HM11.0, available for everyone to download the reference study.
- 一款用来解密网页POST封包所加密的信息的编码解码工具源码简单易懂POST is used to decrypt a packet of pages of information coding and decoding encrypted source code easy to understand tools-POST is used to decrypt a packet of pages of information coding and decoding encrypted source
- 是一个IE插件的一个DLL静态链接库,主要实现邮箱的登录功能Is an IE plug-ins a DLL static link library, the main function-mail login-Is an IE plug-ins a DLL static link library, the main function-mail login
- 这个程序利用Winpcap库来捕获IP数据包。在调试时注意:1:务必将“Include”文件夹下的所有头文件拷贝到VC安装目录下的库文件夹中,如"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include"。2:将“Lib”文件夹下面的所以库拷贝到VC安装目录下的Lib文件夹下,比如"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib"。Winpcap library to use this proc
- c++抓取网页内容,从html源码中获取网页文字,支持文件夹下面多个html遍历读取c++ capture content from the html source code to get text on the page-c++ capture content from the html source code to get text on the page
- 日历生成器的代码,在制作自己的网页时,可以将此添上,更具特色。Calendar Generator code, are creating their own web pages can be added more features.-Calendar Generator code, are creating their own web pages can be added more features.