- 题目:输入两个正整数m和n,求其最大公约数和最小公倍数。-Title: Enter two positive integers m and n, find its greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
- 题目:一个数如果恰好等于它的因子之和,这个数就称为“完数”。例如6=1+2+3.编程 找出1000以内的所有完数。- Topic: If a number is exactly equal to the sum of its factors, this number is called a "complete count." For example, 6 = 1+2+3. Programming Find all finished within the 1000 number.
- 一元多项式的计算-One yuan polynomial calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 电子邮件客户端的别业设计材料 是基于VC实现的SMTP协议下的电子邮件E-mail client other design material is based on the VC industry to achieve the SMTP e-mail agreement-E-mail client other design material is based on the VC industry to achieve the SMTP e-mail agreement
- 发送邮件,如果没问题的话基本功能可是实现Send e-mail, if no problem but then realize the basic functions-Send e-mail, if no problem but then realize the basic functions
- 邮件发送程序esmtp验证有详细注解(包含一个类,可以直接调用)esmtp certification procedures detailed explanation (including a category, and can directly call)-esmtp certification procedures detailed explanation (including a category, and can directly call)
- 设置好收发信的服务器名称后,可以对指定邮箱进行收发信操作。Transceiver is set up after the server name, you can mail to the designated transceiver operation.-Transceiver is set up after the server name, you can mail to the designated transceiver operation.
- 实现smtp pop3邮件收发功能。Achieve smtp pop3 mail function.-Achieve smtp pop3 mail function.
- 收发邮件设计,用STMP协议进行邮件的收发,能够带附件。Sending and receiving messages on design, send and receive messages STMP protocols that can take attachments.-Sending and receiving messages on design, send and receive messages STMP protocols that can take attachments.
- 一个不错的邮件客户端,大家看看还能不能改进些。A good mail client, should not everyone can look at to improve more.-A good mail client, should not everyone can look at to improve more.
- 163邮箱在线编辑器HTML版(附演示和使用说明)163 E-mail Online Editor HTML version (with the use of demonstrations and explanation)-163 E-mail Online Editor HTML version (with the use of demonstrations and explanation)
- 可以自由的发送邮件方便自己邮件发送方式Are free to send e-mail messages to facilitate their own way.-Are free to send e-mail messages to facilitate their own way. . .