THDDInfo2 a class for getting HDD information
- a class for getting HDD information including serial numbers , uses windows WMI services. also included a demo-a class for getting HDD information including serial numbers , uses windows WMI services. also included a demo..
HRD 求解华容道最少步数
- 求解华容道最少步数,包括“横刀立马”、"指挥若定"、"将拥曹营"、"齐头并进"、"兵分三路"等各种开局。-Minimum number of steps to solve Huarong, including " Hengdao immediately," " commanding," " will pro-Cao Ying," " go h
kinect_emgucv kinect 和 emgucv 结合使用 的 wpf 工程
- kinect 和 emgucv 结合使用 的 wpf 工程 -kinect and emgucv combination of wpf project
huizhituxing directx9里面绘制基本几何图形的源代码
- directx9里面绘制基本几何图形的源代码,可以绘制茶壶,正方形和圆环,球形-directx9 draw basic geometric shapes inside the source code, you can draw the teapot, square, and rings, ball! ! !
webtopology-0.5.1 SNMP网络拓扑图自动生成
- SNMP网络拓扑图自动生成,供大家学习和演示。希望大家可以得到用处-SNMP network topology automatically generated for them to learn and demonstrate. Hope we can get useful
mfcdde.zip DDE编程的例子
- DDE编程的例子,Examples of DDE programming
console2.zip 使用CWinApp写控制台程序的例子
- 使用CWinApp写控制台程序的例子,The Example of writing console application using CWinA
csh.zip 实现象ToolTips那样的上下文帮助
- 实现象ToolTips那样的上下文帮助,The Example of implementing the help of tooltip style
highrestimer.zip 高分辨率的计时器
- 高分辨率的计时器 ,An timer of high resolution
single_instance.zip 使程序只运行一个实例
- 使程序只运行一个实例,The example of running only one instance
undo.zip 增强MFC的回滚操作
- 增强MFC的回滚操作,The example of enhancing the MFC s ability of rollback
- 用于锁定屏幕的工具,Tools for locking the screen