- title_menu 带有标题栏的菜单
- Rational 软件工程学习资料: 统一过程引论原书第2版
- GLSCENE_AutoCADDXF Load and Save DXF file format with GLScene. View DXF in you application.
- EdgeDetector Edge detector w/ MSP430F149: Ligar e desligar P1.2 quando detectar borda de subida e descida de um sinal aplicado em P1.0 e P1.1. A primeira detecta a borda de subida e a outra a borda de descida.
- txtn04 On the job search software source()
- UTCHEM9.82 UTCHEM是美国Texas大学编制的化学驱软件
- 几个关于图像格式转换,以及video for linux的使用介绍文档,包含了linux视频的采集,以及图像格式的变换-Several of the image format conversion, and introduced the use of video for linux documentation, including the linux video capture, and image format conversion, etc.
- 这是一个采用C++编写的、采用回溯法编写的骑士周游(马周游)遍历棋盘(8*8)的程序。本软件采用MFC编写,用户可看到骑士动态遍历棋盘的过程。-This is a written in C++ using backtracking written knight tour (horse travel) through the board (8* 8) program. The software is written using MFC, you can see the board through
- 类似WindowsXP中的很酷的菜单。有左边的竖条,有图形,有图形背景,工具条菜单,等等。,Like those cool menu in WindowsXP, have left vertical bar, have graphics, have graphic background and toolbar menu etc
- 一个模仿Nero的界面,包括透明文本,异形窗口,透明checkbox,radio,An imitation of Nero' s interface, including transparent text, shaped window, transparent checkbox, radio
Kinect 控制3DMAX应用
- Kinect 控制3DMAX应用 可是实现扑捉人体动作-But to achieve application control 3DMAX Kinect capture human motion
- UCGUI下的多级菜单的制作实例,UCGUI的版本为v3.90a,UCGUI under the production of multi-level menu instance, UCGUI' s version v3.90a
- 老外写的DirectUI界面库的源代码,部分用到了DirectX-Foreigner wrote DirectUI interface library source code, some use the DirectX
- 该程序是利用opencv编写的,实现的是在一幅图像中添加高斯噪声的功能。,The program is to use opencv prepared to realize is that in an image to add Gaussian noise function.
- 电信彩铃绑定的程序 早先为某SP开发 强行捆绑用户之用-ColorRingBind
- 以一个m*n的长方阵表示迷宫,0和1分别表示迷宫中的通路和障碍。设计一个程序,对任意设定的迷宫,求出一条从入口到出口的通路,或得出没有通路的结论。,M* n in a square, said the maze of long, 0 and 1, respectively, in the maze of pathways and barriers. Design a procedure, the maze of arbitrary, derived from the entrance to a
- 三菱PLC程序文件PMW格式转换为文本文件,便于PLC程序转换移植。坚持只有谦虚学习才能真正中国造!,PMW File Convert
- 三水源新安江模型源程序(日模型,次洪模型),three-water resources xinanjiang model