- Sellsystem CommodityId 商品ID CompanyId 公司ID Number 数量 Pirce 价格 StockDate 进货日期 SettlementType 结算方式 Payment 应付 FactPayment 实付 NotPayment 未付 ManageMan 经手人 Username 操作用户 AddTime 添加时间 SendBack 是否结算 Usernamer 结算操作用户 StockDater 结算时间 ManageManr 经手人 AddTimer 结算添加的时间 Type 发布类型 CommodityId
- 01 matlab中增减采样以及样条差值的程序实例
- labview---usb-video 给予labview的usb摄像头 视频采集程序
- piotr_toolbox 利用MATLAB实现了视频图像行人识别与检测
- it is a program which is use D3D light. if you want to study D3D light, please have a try.
- it is a little game (white ball)written by ddraw. if you want to study ddraw, please have a try.
- a D3D texture usage code, which is written by me in 2006. if you want to study it, please have a try.:)-a D3D texture usage code, which is written by me in 2006. if you want to study it, please have a try.:)
- Opengl MD2方面的文件 MD2模型载入代码-Opengl Animation
- 一个简单是入侵者游戏,在游戏中,玩家控制飞船,一方面向敌机射击,另外还需要躲避敌人的子弹-A simple game is the intruder, in the game, players control the spacecraft, on the one hand to the enemy shooting, also need to avoid enemy bullets. . . .
- 运动OpenGL、DirectX进行粒子系统编程,包括陨石、喷泉等(转载)-Sports DirectX for particle system programming, including meteorites, fountains, etc.
- 一个简单的播放器,具有打开、暂停、快进、全屏等功能,能够对视频进行播放-A simple player, with open, pause, fast forward, full screen and other functions, can play video
- Direct3D实时渲染技术的一些小例子-Real-time rendering Direct3D some small examples
- C++Builder 编制的视频预览程序,可以自动识别视频源,并能对视频信息及数据格式进行调节。-C++ Builder compiled video preview program that can automatically identify the video source, and is able to video information and data format adjustment.
- 利用Python语言在DirectShow下实现视频捕捉-Using Python language to achieve in DirectShow video capture
- 基于directshow的视频信息采集程序,包含所有基本的功能,可以直接运行-A video information captured programme,contains all the basic function,and could run directly
- 01_B 三维基础 B00 框架--简单框架 B01 框架--DXUT框架 02_S 三维场景 S00 室内--BSP结构场景 S10 室外--基本高度图地形 S13 室外—城市场景管理 S21 水体--基于实时反射的水 03_N 环境特效 N00 光影--闪电效果 N03 光影--实时阴影 N11 天气--蓝天白云 N15 天气--小雨飘飘 N17 天气--小雪飘飘 04_M 模型处理 M1