- 设计一个洗衣机控制器,要求洗衣机有正转、反转、暂停三种状态。设定洗衣机的工作时间,要洗衣机在工作时间内完成:定时启动正转20秒暂停10秒反转20秒暂停10秒定时未到回到“正转20秒暂停10秒……”,定时到则停止,同时发出提示音。-Design a washing machine controller, requirements for washing machines have forward, reverse, pause, three states. Set the washing m
- These are the formulas used by our Color Calculator. Each conversion formula is written as a "neutral programming function", easy to be translate in any specific computer language. If you are searching for more generic information about color, on
- DNA比对中FASTA算法的简单实现,通过建立查找表、位移表和位移向量表来得出两条序列的最大匹配位移。-DNA matching the FASTA algorithm is simple to achieve, through the establishment of a lookup table, displacement and the displacement vector table to derive maximum matching two sequences displaceme
- 菲尔德网络知识,对神经网络只是大大的补充,该算法应用很广。-Rumsfeld network knowledge, the neural network is greatly supplement, the algorithm is widely used.
- 不要担心自己的算法只是不多,你只需要简单的学习一下就可以运用啦-Do not worry own algorithm only much, you simply need to learn what you can use it
- 学习智能算法必不可少的工具程序。可以通过简单修改就可以运用了-Indispensable tool for intelligent learning algorithm procedures. Can be easily modified to use the
- 本程序详细讲解了关于遗传算法的优化问题,对于学习遗传算法帮助很大-This procedure gave a detailed account on the genetic algorithm optimization problems, very helpful for learning genetic algorithm
- lol补刀精灵。无底洞必备,从此变成大神-lol Up knife Wizard !!
- KMP字符串匹配算法,对字符串进行预处理,复杂度为O(m+n)-KMP string matching algorithm, the string preprocessing complexity is O (m+n)
- 基因识别,信噪比移动序列的确定,阈值的确定,DNA移动序列其指示序列的信噪比曲线-Gene identification, movement sequences determined SNR threshold determination, DNA sequence which indicates the sequence moves SNR curve
- DNA 蛋白质分析工具,主要用于功能分化研究-When the two nucleic acid sequences, when compared, K-Estimator used to assess the number of nucleotide substitutions between the two (Divergent), including the protein coding region and non-protein coding region. Using Monte C
- When the two nucleic acid sequences, when compared, K-Estimator used to assess the number of nucleotide substitutions between the two (Divergent), including the protein coding region and non-protein coding region. Using Monte Carlo simulation estimat