- 用matlab实现pam4信号发射机,普通信道,加上高斯白噪声(Realization of pam4 signal transmitter with MATLAB)
- 千年神武奇章安装教程,一键开服端,可以直接上服务器玩(Installation course of thousand year Shenwu Qizhang)
- 股票金融软件益盟操盘手缠论分笔、分段、画中枢指标源码(Stock financial software Yimeng traders entangled on the source code of sub pen, segment and drawing central indicators)
- 叠前炮集2D正演和偏移,详细使用信息见说明文档(Prestack gun sets 2D forward and offset. See the documentation for detailed usage information)
- 利用matlab平台实现路面裂缝的检测和加强,可以在matlab平台直接运行该系统(Using MATLAB platform to detect and strengthen the pavement cracks, the system can be directly run on the MATLAB platform)
- 源码采用php实现,一个简单小巧的资源管理系统,便于自学和二次开发。基于php+mysql,手头参考的例子程序代码(Source USES the PHP implementation, a simple and small resource management system, convenient for self-study and secondary development, based on PHP + mysql, hand reference examples of program
- 这个辅助在网上不好找,我找了很多,下载不能用,缺少DLL,我这个也是缺少DLL,刚好我有这个DLL,放进去没想到就能用了,不过有些私服封这个辅助,亲测两个私服,一个能用,一个不能用(It's not easy to find this auxiliary on the Internet. I found a lot of them. I can't download them. I lack DLLs. I just have this DLL. I didn't expect to be ab
- 讲述了在ABAQUS内umat的原理,umat接口的注意事项,umat的开发环境设置,主要是理论部分的内容及umat的使用方法,并解释了一部分非线性材料问题。(This paper describes the principle of UMAT in ABAQUS, the matters needing attention of UMAT interface, the setting of development environment of UMAT, mainly the content
- umat算法在ABAQUS中子程序的应用实例,用于用户在ABAQUS中使用子程序入门(UMAT algorithm in ABAQUS subroutine application example, for users in ABAQUS using subroutine entry)
- johnsoncook的模型属性推导及umat子程序中定义材料属性的教学,对于Fortran语言在ABAQUS中的使用很有帮助(Johnson cook's derivation of model properties and the teaching of defining material properties in UMAT subroutine are very helpful for the use of FORTRAN language in ABAQUS)
- 一个ANSYS APDL命令的斜拉桥模型,可进行静力分析,模态分析(A cable-stayed bridge model with ANSYS APDL command can be used for static analysis and modal analysis)
- jacob-1.18 64 jdk版本 64 位 可用,32位不可用,请注意下载(Jacob-1.18 64 JDK version 64 bit available, 32-bit not available, please pay attention to download)