- 在开发者中心点击随机生成 EncodingAESKey 并复制到网站后台(如果用明文模式,就不需要复制)-In the Developer Center, click the randomly generated EncodingAESKey and copy to the site background (if you use clear text mode, you do not need to copy)
- 网上有很多二维码生成程序,不过都是生成标准的二维码,最近的一个项目要求生成中间是小图标(LOGO)的二维码,后经不断查询资料,终于做出来了,主要核心是使用了国外的一个开源类库——QRCODE,生成确实方便,希望能为大家提供一份参考。-A lot of two-dimensional code generation procedures online, but are the standard generation of two-dimensional code, a recent request
- 薇晓朵网络工作室,橙蓝地方门户风格模板,秉承清爽整洁,简单易用的原则,橙色搭配蓝色。此模板提供utf-8和gbk两个版本。-Wei Xiaoduo network studio, orange blue local portal style template, adhering to the clean and tidy, easy to use principle, orange with blue. This template is available in both utf-8 and g
- 火端搜索2.0版来了!2.0版收集了1.X用户大量的建议,在提升稳定性的同时也增加了大量的功能,使用起来非常方便,很多功能都能在后台轻松完成。搭建一个搜索引擎网站十分钟就够了!-Fire side search version 2.0 is coming! 2.0 version of the 1.X users to collect a large number of recommendations to enhance stability while also increasing the
- 易看影音是一个以影视为核心,借鉴现有市场中的各类影视程序,兼具采集、小偷、存储等特色,发展出来的一个功能强大、内核简约、运行存储效率极高的半采集模式影视系统。-Easy to look at audio and video is a film and television as the core, learn the existing market in all types of video programs, both collection, thieves, storage and oth
- LFCMS是一款采用PHP开发,基于THINKPHP3.2.3框架开发适合各类视频、影视网站的影视内容管理。程序具有良好的用户体验,适合美工人员快速建立站点,您也可以根据您的需要进行应用扩展来达到更加强大功能。-LFCMS is a use of PHP development, based on THINKPHP3.2.3 framework for the development of various types of video, film and television website v
- 全角指一个字符占用两个标准字符位置,半角指一字符占用一个标准的字符位置,比如一些论坛无法发链接可以把链接转成全角就可以发。-Full-width refers to a character occupies two standard character position, half-width refers to a character occupies a standard character position, such as some forums can not be made to l
- 汉字查询拼音字典 v1.0,根据你所输入的中文,查询相应的拼音。-Chinese character query Pinyin dictionary v1.0, according to your input Chinese, query the corresponding pinyin.
- 该软件是一个飞飞cms的前台模板,该软件仿制2tu迅播网的前台排列方式进行排列。-The software is a Feifei cms the front of the template, the software imitation 2tu Xun broadcast network arrangement of the front arrangement.
- 本工具可实现对你的贴吧的自动签到,注意事项:1.请监控do.php使云签运作2.渣主机不建议签到过快程序安装地址:您的网站目录下的/install/-This tool can be achieved on your post it automatically sign, Note: 1. Please do.php cloud tag operation 2. Slag host is not recommended to sign too fast program installation
- 本工具主要用于各类代码中各类本地字符的Unicode转换,可以将整个代码直接拷入转换,系统将自动跳过字母、数字与字符。 原理:获得输入框里的值,然后逐个转换为unicode编码(这个返回值是 0 – 65535 之间的整数),unicode转化为16进制,再添加上”\u”前缀.-This tool is mainly used for various types of code in all kinds of local characters Unicode conversion, you ca
- Discuz!同盾防灌水插件兼容DiscuzX2.5及以上版本环境。安装简单便捷,立即申请,即可免费使用。-Discuz! With the shield anti-irrigation plug-ins compatible DiscuzX2.5 and above version environment. Installation is simple and convenient, apply immediately, you can use free of charge.