- 该软件是个以php+MySQL开发的简单米表程序,希望米友能用得上!-The software is a php+ MySQL development of a simple rice meter program, I hope to be able to use the Friends of the M!
- puyuetianPHP轻框架是一款用php进行开发的php开发框架系统,面向零基础用户设计,容易上手,用更少的代码,做更多的事情!-PuyuetianPHP light framework is a php development framework for the development of php system, zero-oriented user-oriented design, easy to use, with less code to do more!
- 微录客手机视频采集程序(缓存版)为手机视频网站微录客采集程序。占用空间小,建站成本低,无需等待,马上就可以拥有海量网站数据;免更新免维护,管理方便,操作简单,实现全站后台管理的全自动采集;实现内容页URL路径伪静态功能,让各大搜索引擎收录更加友好。-Micro-recorded mobile phone video capture program (cached version) for the mobile video site micro-recorded passenger acquisi
- 一个简单的新闻小偷,自动采集网易新闻的数据,上传就能用,没有后台。-A simple news thief, automatically collected NetEase news data, upload can be used, there is no background.
- phpwind9.x云奇付点卡充值积分插件是由云奇付开发免费发布到阿里云市场免费使用的网络游戏点卡及手机话费充值卡充值论坛积分即时到帐插件;-Phpwind9.x cloud Qi Fu Dianka recharge points are free to pay the development of the cloud to pay the development of Ali released to the cloud market free use of online games Dian
- 帝国CMS点卡充值插件是基于云奇付点卡API支付接口二次开发的网络游戏点卡及手机话费充值卡充值帝国CMS网站点数或预付款的插件,充值成功可以立即到账-Empire CMS Card recharge plug-in is based on the cloud odd payment card API payment interface secondary development of the network game Dianka prepaid phone card recharge card
- PHP ajax Tree树形菜单,在PHP中快速实现一个目录列表类型的树形菜单,十分简洁漂亮,在PHP中应用广泛,本菜单基于Javascr ipt和 XML技术实现。-PHP ajax Tree tree menu, PHP in the rapid realization of a directory list type tree menu, very simple and beautiful, widely used in PHP, the menu is based on Javascr
- 期末将至,继PHP+Excel多用途查询手机网页版本后,再次发布适合电脑访问的网页版本(结果横向显示)供免费使用。-End of the year is approaching, following the PHP+ Excel multi-purpose mobile phone version of the query, once again published for the computer to access the page version (horizontal display)
- 天羽超级外链工具是一个在线为网站自动建设外链的站长工具,前端使用了Bootstrap框架,界面偏向清爽风格,大气简洁,还带有进度条。目前整合了1700多条外链网址,可自行修改 urls.txt 文件对网址进行添加或删减。-Tianyu super chain tool is an online construction for the site automatically webmaster tools, front-end using the Bootstrap framework, the
- 该软件是一个以php+MySQL进行开发的个人版自动发卡网站源码。-The software is a php+ MySQL for the development of personal version of the automatic issuance of the website source code.
- 微擎MALL是一款单商户多门店的商城系统,致力于为用户提供面向B2C、O2O的解决方案,拥有微擎团队多年的技术沉淀,历时一年打磨锤炼,微擎MALL正式开售,微擎MALL除了拥有一般B2C商城系统的功能外,还将基于微信-Micro-MALL is a multi-store single-store business system, is committed to providing users with B2C, O2O solutions, with micro-technology team
- 在网页间加入一行JS脚本即可,可以运用到任何一个网站,内含10多种皮肤供你选择,总有一款适合您网站的风格,可以给每个QQ号设置名称,个性头像(100个),还可以设置颜色以显示突出效果-Add a line between the JS scr ipt can be applied to any site, containing more than 10 kinds of skin for your choice, there is always a style for your site, yo