- 欢迎使用渝海英日汉在线翻译工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP。-Welcome to use the Yu Hai British and Japanese online translation tool, the tool environment requirements: PHP.
- 主要功能: 1、提供英汉单词互译; 2、小偷工具,无需维护翻译数据; 3、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 4、免费、开源程序。-2, thief tools, no need to maintain translation data 3, DIV+ CSS template to facilitate the modification 4, free, open source program. 1, to provide English and Chinese word translation
- 欢迎使用渝海指纹性格查询工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP+Mysql。-Welcome to use Yuhai fingerprint character query tool, the tool running environment requirements: PHP+ Mysql.
- 欢迎使用渝海URL编码转换工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP。-Welcome to use Yu Hai URL encoding conversion tool, the tool environment requirements: PHP.
- 欢迎使用渝海黄大仙灵签工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP。 据载黄大仙师成仙后神通广大,法力无边,是人所共知的一位普济救善,有求必应的神灵。-Welcome to use Yuhai Huang Da Xian Ling sign tool, the tool running environment requirements: PHP. According to Wong Tai Sin division immortal after the immortal, magic power is u
- 欢迎使用渝海搜素引擎反向链接查询工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP。-Welcome to Yu Hai search engine reverse link query tool, the tool environment requirements: PHP.
- 主要功能: 1、根据农历生日推算运势性格的休闲娱乐工具; 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。-2, DIV+ CSS template to facilitate the modification 3, free, open source program. 1, according to the Lunar birthday fortune character leisure entertainment tools
- 查询百度谷歌在最近一天,一周,一月,一年的收录情况 站长的SEO好工具,站长不要错过 使用:修改config.php数据库相关信息。-Search Baidu Google in recent days, one week, one month, one year s inclusion Webmaster SEO good tools, webmasters do not miss the use: modify config.php information.
- 提供多达60余个吉日关键词进行吉日查询,如结婚吉日、搬家吉日、订婚吉日、开业吉日、下葬吉日等等;-Provide up to more than 60 auspicious words for auspicious day, such as wedding auspicious day, moving auspicious day, engagement auspicious day, opening auspicious day, buried auspicious day and so on
- 1、输入一句话帮您分析出最相关的Yahoo关键词,方便SEO关键词设计; 比如输入SEO工具之Yahoo关键词筛选工具,工具反馈出有道识别包含的关键词有: 1、seo、seo工具之...、yahoo、工具、工具、关键词、筛选 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改;-1, enter a sentence to help you analyze the most relevant Yahoo keyword, to facilitate the SEO keyword design such as
- phpMySQLAutoBackup能自动备份mysql数据库,并将导出的数据库(数据与结构)压缩成gzip格式然后用email通知你。phpMySQLAutoBackup能够按设置每天/周定时备份,选择不同的表格来备份,当备份表格时,可以设置备份开始和结束的行数,以便让你能够有选择的备份一个巨大表格(数百万条数据)任一部分。-PhpMySQLAutoBackup can automatically back up the mysql , and export the (data and st
- KisTracker一款bug跟踪管理软件(原名叫:iTracker),功能强大,易于使用,是基于WEB方式的协同工作软件.-KisTracker a bug tracking management software (formerly known as: iTracker), powerful, easy to use, is based on the WEB way of collaborative software.