- 全自动更新最新的漫画,并破解了图片防盗功能,让你可以正常快速的查看漫画。 本程序由海盗联盟制作,大家可以自由复制与修改。-Automatically update the latest comics, and crack the image anti-theft feature that allows you to quickly view the normal comics. This procedure by the pirates Union production, we can free
- 提供某个城市当天天气预报、当天生活指数和最近五天天气预报,非常适合地方网站。 程序占用资源极小,生成静态,每隔一小时自动采集更新一次。-The weather forecast for a city today, the weather for the day and the weather forecast for the last five days are very suitable for local websites. Program takes up very little reso
- 根据数据生成3D的百分比图,并用不同的颜色标识出来,看上去直观、清淅,而且程序也很方便移植,如果有朋友经常需要用到这种功能,可以考虑将其转换为函数,这样用起来更方便了。 -According to the data generated by the percentage of 3D figures, and different colors to identify them, looks intuitive, Qingxi, and the program is also very eas
- 一个Ajax动态网页选项卡,apTabs v1.1,这是结合PHP的一个应用实例,它除了拥有漂亮的外观之外,还有着强大的动态删除、添加TAB的功能,大大扩展了她的适用范围。这是基于Mootoools,学习此框架的朋友不妨做个参考。-An Ajax dynamic page tab, apTabs v1.1, which is an example of a combination of PHP applications, in addition to its beautiful appearan
- Smarty是php项目开发中的模板引擎。准确的说,它实现和程序与界面的分离。因此,程序员可以改变逻辑而不需要重新构建模板模板设计者可以改变模板而不影响到逻辑.-Smarty is a template engine for php project development. To be precise, it implements the separation of program and interface. Therefore, the programmer can change the l
- ZenTaoPHP是一款轻量级的、高效的、友好的、松散的MVC开发框架。采用LGPL协议授权。-ZenTaoPHP is a lightweight, efficient, friendly, loose MVC development framework. LGPL agreement authorized.
- 界面友好、美观、简洁、大方,结构良好! 代码优化! 稳定快速! 挂GOOGLE广告最好用的在线代理程序!-Friendly interface, beautiful, simple, generous, well-structured! Code optimization! Stable and fast! GOOGLE advertising linked to the best online agent!
- 带提取码功能,可以设定提取次数。 有简单后台,一个简单的提供文件寄存服务程序。.-With extraction code function, you can set the extraction times. There is a simple background, a simple document storage services provided procedures. .
- 欢迎使用渝海营养粥谱查询工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP+MYSQL。-Welcome to Yu Hai nutrition porridge spectrum query tool, the tool running environment requirements: PHP+ MYSQL.
- 欢迎使用渝海中草药大全查询工具,本工具运行环境需求:PHP+MYSQL。 主要功能: 1、近6000条中草药名查询; 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。-Welcome to the Yu Hai Chinese herbal medicine Daquan query tool, the tool running environment requirements: PHP+ MYSQL. Main functions: 1, nearly 6000 Chinese herb
- 自从人类社会出现以来,占卜就一直在社会生活之中占据着重要的位置。 中国拥有五千年的悠久历史,多样的文化艺术形式,在这之中,占卜当然也有一席之地。-Since the emergence of human society, divination has been occupying an important position in social life. China has a long history of 5,000 years, a variety of cultural and arti
- 数据:2009年最新手机号码段数据 代码:PHP+文本 特色:带后台管理,可以自行添加手机号码段 后台密码:xiaolin -Data: the latest mobile phone number in 2009 paragraph code: PHP+ text features: with background management, you can add your own mobile phone number Password: xiaolin