- linux-dev-framework是一个Linux程序开发框架,基于C语言和gcc工具链。 linux-dev-framework内含一份简单的源码目录结构、一些常用的C例程和makefile编译脚本。(Linux-dev-framework is a Linux program development framework based on the C language and the GCC tool chain. Linux-dev-framework contains a
- 微信公众平台图文编辑器网页源码,微信在线图文编辑工具,纠正了因图片过多导致编辑框加载慢的问题。目前已经拥有数百种可用样式,超级强大,可以整合到小猪等微信系统上!(WeChat public platform graphic editor web source, WeChat online graphic editing tools, to correct the too many pictures lead to slow loading edit box. At present, there
- 本书描述了UNIX系统程序设计接口,系统调用接口和标准C库提供的很多函数等。(This book describes the UNIX system programming interface, the system call interface and many functions provided by the standard C library.)
- 在ubuntu12.04,基于qt4.8编写的使用opencv打开摄像头,并进行拍照,保存照片,读图片进行裁剪(In ubuntu12.04, written on qt4.8, use OpenCV to open the camera, and take pictures, save photos, read pictures, cut them out)
- 通过开源搭建一台属于自己的免费呼叫系统与私有云(Build a free call system for yourself through open source and cloud)
- 一个代码简洁但功能强大的,基于Linux C的ftp客户端的实现。一个很好的参考例子。在做相关ftp文件传输的项目的小伙伴值得下载一看。(A code compact but powerful Linux C based implementation of the FTP client. A good example of reference. The small partner in the project that does relevant FTP file transfers is wo
- 使用C++语言在Ubuntu系统上实现的视觉里程计开源代码(Visual Odometry library using C++)
- 对ROS机器人进行路径规划,其中主要包括了ROS节点配置,环境变量配量,以及路径规划和导航算法。(Path planning of ROS robots, including ROS node configuration, environment variable allocation, and path planning algorithm.)
A20 tv视频液晶屏显示应用程序
- A20TV信号提供linux应用程序源码,模拟摄像头显示画面(A20TV signal to provide Linux application source code, analog camera display screen)
Linux C epoll
- socket通讯程序,采用epoll和线程池(Socket communication program, using epoll and thread pool)
- 基于qt5.8写的一个贝塞尔曲线 qt5.8工程源码 直接打开编译,不是网上转的,是自己写的,里面有注释 贝塞尔曲线的t系数是0.5 C++写贝塞尔曲线,可以在任意平台编译,可移植的贝塞尔曲线 BezierCruveQt5.8画贝塞尔曲线代码工程自己写的非转载(bezier curve writen by qt5.8 qt5.8 project of bezier, you can open the pro file and compile the project directly
- Linux下c语言实现DES和3DES算法(Linux under c language, DES and 3DES algorithm)