- 通杀所有STM32实验,内含LCD,LED,key、蜂鸣器、串口、UCOS、QT、FLASH等多功能于一体的综合程序-failed to translate
- 与DSP接口的上位机软件,用来进行将DSP采集的数据进行波形显示-And DSP interface of the host computer software used for data collected by the DSP waveform display
20160922 OA报销
- 配置工程当 ATWS 进入到预设防状态,启动预设防定时器,定时时间 ATWS_PREARM_DURATION 到,将进入设防状态。(config When the ATWS enters the prearmed state, a prearm timer starts with ATWS_PREARM_DURATION time. When the prearm timer is expired, ATWS shall enter the armed state.)
- 2.8 inch 寸320*240液晶驱动 ili9341初始化驱动-2.8 inch 320*240 LCD driver Ili9341 initialization drive
- this bus ticketing software used for ticket collection in bus-this is bus ticketing software used for ticket collection in bus
STM32 的嵌入式 GUI (附 GUI 编辑器)
- 适用于 STM32 的嵌入式 GUI,非传统的 GUI 需于程序中编辑图形与功能,而是使用了 GUI Editor (GUI 专用编辑器),只需在 PC 机上以图形方式编辑 GUI 的功能,内附 Keil 与 IAR 等多种编译器工程版及 GUI 的源代码.
- keil编写的bulk之间传输数据,应用方便可靠-keil prepared by bulk transfer data between
- lpc2131 光盘资料,含例子以及工程模板-lpc2131 CD-ROM, with examples and project templates
- 基于WINBOND W90P710开发板的开发的mp3播放器程序 实现了mp3播放 wav播放 txt查看等功能 有简易的操作界面 利用libmad做解码器-WINBOND W90P710 development board based on the development of the mp3 player program to play wav a mp3 player and other functions txt Show simple interface to do to use li
- AHRS航姿参考系统源代码,处理器为STM32f1系列,编译器为MDK,里面有陀螺仪,加速度计,磁力计和气压计数据融合解算姿态角的源代码(AHRS air reference system source code, the processor for the STM32f1 series, the compiler for the MDK, which has gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer and barometer data fusion, ca
- 可以播放四首乐曲,设置play、next、reset三个按键。按play键播放当前乐曲,按键next播放下一首乐曲。 LED0指示播放情况(播放时点亮)、LED2和LED3指示当前乐曲序号。-You can play four songs, set play, next, reset three keys. Press the play button to play the current song, button next to play the next song. LED0 ind
- 三冲量水位控制器全套资料和程序代码。串级PID控制-Three-impulse controller water level information and a full set of program code.