- C51下实现的音乐程序,用定时中断和建立音乐节拍库实现.编制音乐代码, 可看这代码.频率常数即音乐术语中的音调,而节拍常数即音乐术语中的多少拍 -C51 under the music program, regularly interrupted music rhythms and the establishment of the Implementation. Music establishment code, take a look at this code. Constant freque
- DAC outputs a sine wave 550Hz to DAC0. Rate calculations assume defualt clock of 2.097152MHz 针对于ADUC848-DAC outputs a sine wave 550Hz to DAC0. Rate c alculations assume defualt clock of 2.097152M Hz to address ADUC848
- LCD液晶控制芯片GM5020的原程序,无须解码。-LCD controller chip GM5020 the original procedure without decoding.
USB 2.0 IP Core
- USB20的IP CORE,可以直接用在SOPC下,自动完成全部的枚举,只需修改枚举参数即可!-USB20 IP CORE, can be directly used in SOPC, automatically complete the enumeration. only a modification of enumerated parameters can be!
- arm挂接led屏时对图像真彩全彩的灰度扫描时会有彩色失真问题,用此伽玛曲线数值表修正,可复原原有色彩-articulated arm led screen color images on the full-color scanning color distortion when there will be problems, gamma curve with this numerical tables that can recover the original colors
ucos ii中文版(包含范例)
- ucos ii中文版(包含范例)第一章:范例 在这一章里将提供三个范例来说明如何使用 µ C/OS-II。笔者之所以在本书一开始就写这一章是为了让读者尽快开始使用 µ C/OS-II。在开始讲述这些例子之前,笔者想先说明一些在这本书里的约定。 这些例子曾经用Borland C/C++ 编译器(V3.1)编译过,用选择项产生Intel/AMD80186处理器(大模式下编译)的代码。这些代码实际上是在Intel Pentium II PC (300MHz)上运行和测试过,
- 用vhdl实现占空比1:1的通用分频模块,非常实用,欢迎大家下载-use VHDL to achieve the common 1:1-frequency module, a very practical and you are welcome to download
- USB1.1开发例程,基于51单片机,包括pc端程序-USB1.1 development routines, based on 51 MCU, including the pc-procedures
- LED数码管驱动开发例程,基于51单片机,包括pc端程序-LED digital tube Driver Development routines, based on 51 MCU, including the pc-procedures
- RS232协议的实现,基于51单片机,包括pc端程序-RS232 protocol implemented, based on 51 MCU, including the pc-procedures
crc 51
- 51单片机的CRC程序,此程序是通过查表的办法进行计算,对于51单片机相当适用-51 SCM CRC procedure, this procedure is through the look-up table approach, for quite applicable MCU 51
- LM8361、TMS3450、TMS1943数字钟电路-LM8361, TMS3450, TMS1943 digital clock circuit