i81x DDraw Display Driver
- Intel(R) i810/i815 Display Driver with DirectX Release for Microsoft Windows* CE 3.00 and Microsoft Windows* CE.Net. This driver requires either the 3.00 or the .NET release of Microsoft Windows* CE in order for it to work.-Intel (R) DIMM
- P18F4610的汇编有关验证ACCESS区作用的代码.ACCESS区起什么作用这个迷惑了我一段时间最后还是通过汇编解开了.MCC18编译器.-P18F4610 compilation of the test area ACCESS role of the code. ACCESS What is the role of the district confused the time I finally solved through the compilation. MCC18 compiler.
- P18F4610的有符号16*16运算C结合汇编.很好的学习例子.MCC18编译器.-P18F4610 symbols of 16 * 16 C combined operations compilation. A good example of learning. MCC18 compiler.
- P18F4610是8位单片机的乘法程序是无符号的16*16C嵌入汇编的.MCC18编译器.-P18F4610 8-bit MCU is the multiplication process is no sign of the 16-16C embedded in the compilation. MCC18 compiler.
- P18F4610的信号采集及抗抖动程序.MCC18编译器.-P18F4610 the signal acquisition and anti-jitter procedures. MCC18 compiler.
- 有关MICROCHIP的P18F4610一些初始化程序.包括RAM初始化,定时器的使用及中断的使用.开发环境是MPLAB编译器是MCC18.希望对新手有帮助少走弯路.-going before the P18F4610 some of the initialization process. RAM including initialization, the timer interruption of use and use. Yes MPLAB development environment c
- 实时时钟芯片PCF8563 MSP430源程序-real-time clock chip MSP430 source PCF8563
- 51实现电梯控制程序,用于控制电梯上下 有判定功能 调试通过-achieve elevator control procedures for the control of the lift with both determined by functional testing
- 在DSP上实现DCT的三角波,方波,正弦波的显示,一个好程序,全的-on DSP for DCT triangular wave, square wave, the sine wave, a good process, and all the
TC 2.0库函数
- 嵌入式系统软件设计中用到的C函数库,包含说明文档,按照字母查询。-embedded system design software used in the C library, including documentation, in accordance with the letters inquiries.
- 此为电路原理图,系统基于C8051F系列单片机,功能为电机的正反转及标准模拟信号输出-this circuit schematics, system based on C8051F series microcontroller, Motor function of the reversion and standard analog signal output
- 基于c8051f330芯片开发的电机正反转控制系统,能同时完成参数的设定与显示,系统具有4~20mA的标准模拟信号输出-c8051f330 chip development based on the reversion motor control system parameters can be completed simultaneously with the creation shows that the system has a 4-20mA analog signal output st