Study ARM Step by Step
- 一步步教你如何学习ARM,从引导代码到应用编程。-a step by step teach you how to learn ARM, from guide to the application programming code.
- ARM的640*480LCD液晶屏图形显示源代码-ARM 640 * 480LCD screen graphic display source code
- winbond单片机W77E58双串口通讯例子,串口1采集下终端数据,串口0等待主机接受-SCM W77E58 dual serial communication example, a serial data collection terminals under, serial 0 for mainframe accept
- 公交IC卡的原理图及其源程序代码,其实就这么简单。-bus IC card schematic and source code, in fact as simple as that.
- 一个触摸屏程序示例 -Touch screen source code!
- bios_ccs2 §5.8节中有关DSP/BIOS的应用例子[例5-8-1] 是DSP开发的好应用-bios_ccs2 5.8 which the DSP / BIOS examples of the application [with 5-8-1] is a good DSP Application Development
- 这是一个用MAX+PLUSII开发FPGA(1K30器件)开发的李沙育图形发生器(硬件描述语言部分)。-This is a development with MAX PLUSII FPGA (1K30 device) developed Lissajous Pattern Generator (hardware descr iption language).
- 6713Xvid视频压缩算法源代码,DSP中开发代码,TI的6713的芯片的应用-6713Xvid video compression algorithm source code, DSP code, TI's 6713 chip Application
8255 输入
- 8255 输入、输出实验的汇编程序清单 方式0,PA,PC输出,PB 输入-Source code in assembly of using 8255 to input and output. 8255 is set as mode 0, i.e., PA and PC are used as output ports, PB is used as input port.
- The GRLIB IP Library is an integrated set of reusable IP cores, designed for system-on-chip (SOC) development. The IP cores are centered around the common on-chip bus, and use a coherent method for simulation and synthesis. The library is vendor inde
μCOS-II v2.52 在lpc2000系列ARM上的移植源代码
- uCOS在AVR MEGA系列单片机上的移植,花了2月才完成的,拿出来和大家一起分享-Source code of uC/OS II porting to AVR MEGA series MCU. Spent 2 months in porting and shared for all.
- SPI C51 模拟,本程序以spi接口的flash芯片的读写为背景,提供不支持SPI的单片机模拟SPI接口的基本程序-SPI C51 simulation, the procedures to 20 interface flash chip reader as the background, providing support to the MCU SPI SPI interface simulation of the basic procedures