- ucos2中文书-不错呀,大家好好学习以下八-ucos2 chinese version,it is a very good book,I hope everybody will make good use of it
- rtl8139在pentium4下的vxworks驱动 -rtl8139 in pentium4 under the VxWorks Drivers
- rtl8139在pentium3下的vxworks驱动-rtl8139 in pentium3 under the VxWorks Drivers
- 低频数字式相位测量仪; 此系统由相位测量仪、数字式移相信号发生器和移相网络三部分组成。为使系统更加稳定,使系统整体精度得以保障,本电路两块T89C52为核心控制器件分别控制相位测量、数字式移相信号发生,在数字式移相信号发生部分采用了锁相技术、CPLD等技术, 使输出波形精度大大提高,并可对频率自动校验,提高频率稳定性。-low-frequency digital phase-measuring instrument; This system consists of phase-measuri
- 占领日本80%的实时嵌入式系统t-engine下的信号量编程-occupation of Japan 80% of the real-time embedded systems t-engine volume of programming signals
- avr单片机mega8和HT1381通讯的源代码,有一定的参考价值-avr SCM mega8 HT1381 communications and the source code has some reference value
- ARM体系下ARM状态和THUMB状态相互转换的汇编代码-ARM ARM under state and state mutual THUMB compilation of code conversion
- 嵌入式RMON,RMON为Remote monitor的缩写,基于SNMP为网络提供主动监控及错误告警,智能交换路由必备协议-embedded RMON, RMON for Remote monitor the acronym for SNMP-based network to provide proactive monitoring and error alarm, intelligent routing must exchange agreement
- 包含一下内容: * An extensible agent * An SNMP library * tools to request or set information from SNMP agents * tools to generate and handle SNMP traps * a version of the unix netstat command using SNMP * a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib brows
- One of the most important issues affecting the implementation of microcontroller software deals with the data-decision algorithm. Data-decision refers to decoding the DIO-pin from the CC400/CC900. Two main principles exist for decoding Ma
- The CC1000 RF transceiver is very easy to interface with a microcontroller. The chip is configured using a three-wire bus, comprising of PCLK, PDATA and PALE signals. -The CC1000 RF transceiver is very easy to interface with a microcontroll
- Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let what Rodger has to say about using an ADPCM algorithm and PWM output to generate speech to go in one ear and out the other