- C51显示程序,内有多个驱动芯片程序,适合懒人用。-C51 display program, which a number of driver chips procedures used for lazy people.
- 51上运行的实时操作系统,该文档对其进行详细的介绍,还提供了许多例子!对于想在51上实现简单的多任务系统,不需要自己嵌入,因为keil工具中已经有了内核-51 running real-time operating systems, the documentation for its detailed descr iptions, it also provided many examples! For the 51 to achieve a simple multi-tasking system
- 使用闪存的文件系统,FAT16的. 应用环境是AVR的ATMega128芯片. 应用环境单一,也是转载,参考可以,直接使用 肯定有问题.-use flash file system, the FAT16. Application environment is the AVR chip ATMega128. A single application environment, but also reproduced, reference can be used directly defi
- wince下的ping编程.实现主机探测,路由维护,路由选择,流量选择的功能.本例程使用一个数据包来探测主机地址是否存活.()当然再主机没有配置成过虑icmp形式.内含工程文件-ping weights under the program. To achieve mainframe detection, routing maintenance, routing, flow selection of functions. The routine use of a data packet to d
- 此源码是wince下串口调试程序,能够实现串口发送接受-this source is Jack Serial debugging procedures can send and receive Serial
- 哈哈!终于找到了最新版本的UCGUI! 增加了不少的功能,只是缺少MEMDEV! 那位大侠找到了共献一下:P UCGUI3.90版源码有如下几点新的变化. 1.这个版本的UCGUI提供了模拟器的源码(早知我不用那么辛苦反编译出模拟器源码了,不过大家可以比较一下看). 2.还有JPEG图版支持 3.ListView控件支持. 4.Menu菜单支持. 5.ScrollBar滚动条支持. 6.multi-controller
AT91 Assembler Code Startup Sequence for C Code Ap
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AT91x40 Series Board Design and Troubleshooting Gu
- AT91x40 Series Board Design and Troubleshooting Guide
- ARM汇编指令集(宛城布衣) ,大家一起学习吧:)-Instruction set of ARM
- c54 dsk原理图,用于dsp tmsc54参考设计,使得用户可以在短时间内完成dsp系统的设计。建议大家学习学习,触类旁通-C54 DSK schematics, for dsp tmsc54 reference design enables the user to finish it in time DSP system design. Propose that we learn from, they jump
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- 随着硬件技术的发展,系统变得越来越复杂。功能越来越强大。学习的门槛越来越高了,迫使硬件及时爱好者不断学习,其中ARM技术就是其中之一。而学习ARM必须具备工具。这里是有关的codewarrior工程范例,希望对大家学习ARM有帮助。-With the development of hardware technology, the system has become increasingly complicated. More powerful features. Learning a highe
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