- 包含proteus仿真文件及c语言程序,在开发板上进行过运行。利用双色LED显示电路,和四位静态数码管显示电路模拟十字路*通信号灯。4位LED数码管显示时间,双色LED灯显示红绿灯状态。熟悉交通信号灯控制逻辑。设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制电路,要求南北方向和东西方向两个交叉路口的车辆交替运行。每次绿灯变红灯时,要求黄灯先亮3S,才能变换运行车辆。东西方向、南北方向车道除了有红、黄、绿灯指示外,每一种灯亮的时间都用数码管显示器进行显示(采用倒计时的方法)。考虑到特殊车辆情况,设置紧急转换开头。(
- 安富莱modbus教程,源码讲解,希望能够帮到大家。(Anfulai modbus tutorial, source code explanation, hope to help you.)
- FlexRay总线控制器MC9S12XF512软件开发参考手册(FlexRay Bus Controller MC9S12XF512 Software Development Reference Manual)
- 这是我认为51汇编里面比较好理解的书籍,以及我简单整理的汇编指令文档一份。入门学习还是不错的。(This is a book that I think is better understood in the 51 assembly, as well as a document of assembly instructions that I simply organized. Initial study is still good.)
4 - 有源RFID演示系统
- NRF24LE1有源演示系统,里面包含了RFID收发程序,注释等(Active Demonstration of NRF24LE1)
- 该文档有助于你使用VECTOR公司的GENy软件,用于生成协议栈(This document helps you to use VECTOR's GENy software to generate protocol stacks)
rtd2660h lt8918_lvds-to-mipi_20
- RTD2660H和LT8918 LVDS转MIPI电路原理图(Rtd2660h and lt8918 circuit schematic diagram of LVDS to Mipi)
- STM32F103 开发板的各种硬件资料 以及开发板原理图(Various hardware data and schematic diagram of STM32F103 development board)
- ATK-OV7725摄像头模块用户手册,在进行dsp摄像头开发时的必要文档(Atk-ov7725 camera module user manual)
- AD5934 stm32f103驱动程序; 测量PT100温度探头计算温度; 测量电极间阻抗并换算成电导率。(AD5934 stm32f103 driver; Measuring the temperature of the PT100 temperature probe; The impedance between the electrodes is measured and converted into conductivity.)
CS1238测温50K NTC ESP32驱动
- ESP32驱动CS1238驱动程序,双通道; 带50K NTC电阻温度对照表,根据电压值计算出阻值,查表计算出对应温度值。(ESP32 driver CS1238 driver, dual channel; With 50K NTC resistance temperature comparison table, calculate the resistance value according to the voltage value, check the table to calculate
Breathing LED
- msp430g2553 launchpad的可控呼吸灯程序,只有一个按键所以只能调快(Msp430g2553 launchpad's controllable breathing lamp program has only one button, so it can only be adjusted quickly)